Thursday 2 May 2019

Weekly News w/c 29.04.19

Firstly, a big thank you to all the Mums who gave up their time to come on our Jurassic Journey trip on Tuesday - without your support, we could not run trips like this.  The children really enjoyed digging for fossils with the Professor and touring around the centre looking at the dinosaur models and learning all about them.  They particularly enjoyed meeting Tabitha, the T-rex!

The Mums who came also commented on how well the children behaved and were impressed at how they looked after each other, particularly when it was a little scary!  Well done Caterpillars!

In maths, we have continued our work on multiplication and arrays and looked at the link between multiplication and repeated addition, e.g. 5 x 4 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5. 

For English, we read the whole of our Power of Reading book, Where the Wild Things Are, and acted in the role of Max.  We particularly enjoyed acting out the 'wild rumpus'!  Continuing the theme of fantasy settings, we have today created group fantasy dioramas using a variety of different craft materials.  We had great fun agreeing on the setting and worked really well collaboratively to create our eye-catching dioramas.  We then created a bank of descriptive phrases about our fantasy setting that we will be able to use later on in our writing.

Children should bring their book bags with them to school every day.
Spelling books need to be in book bags on a Friday to enable new words to be stuck in the books.

Thank you,
Year 1 Team