Friday 18 October 2019


What a lovely end to the first half term we have had!

This week, the children have been telling us their monster stories. All of their stories followed the format of 'Grendel: A Cautionary Tale about Chocolate'. We used story scribing as a way of allowing all children to tell a story from beginning to end. Some children wrote the entire story themselves, some wrote part and an adult wrote the rest , and some filled in the missing words to their story once the teacher had written it.  This lasted a few days as they also performed their stories to the class.

In Maths this week, we consolidated our Place Value unit of work. We have reminded ourselves about representing numbers in different ways, counting forwards and backs, one more and one less, comparing and ordering numbers to 20. After half term we will move on to addition and subtraction.

This week, in Geography, we looked in more detail about where Chocolate comes from and where Cacao trees grow in the world. We learnt about hot and cold locations of the world in relation to the Equator, the North and South Poles. We coloured and labelled a map of the world to show our learning.

A big thank you for all your support so far with your children's learning. We are seeing lots of super home learning and loads of comments in reading records. Please do remember to log on to Bug Club and see what is available on there. The username is the first 4 letters of your child's first name, followed by the first 4 letters of their surname (John Smith would be johnsmit). The password is Caterpillars19 or Ladybirds19 depending on your child's class, and the school code is 99kq.

Have a lovely half term,
The Year 1 Team.