Friday 15 November 2019

Weekly News - 15.11.19

Firstly we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Learning Café this week. The children really enjoy having you there and we hope you found it useful.

At the start of the week we made chocolate truffles! We thought about the imperative verbs (bossy verbs) that tell us what to do (the action).  These included: mix, melt, stir, put, crush, break. At the end of the week we sequenced pictures from our truffle making and wrote the instructions. We are starting to encourage many children to use capital letters at the start of their sentences.

In Maths this week we have continued learning to add numbers together. This week we used a number line. We addressed the misconception that when adding on a number line you must count the jumps and not the numbers. Some children counted the first number which meant that 2 + 3 = 4 not 5! We encouraged them children to put their pen on the number before drawing/counting the jumps.

In History this week we looked at shops today and shops in the past. We discussed how the experience of shopping has changed over the last 100 years. The children were amazed that you had to go to lots of different shops just to get the items you needed for one meal! We also looked at how you can order things now using phones, iPads and computers.

- Your child has brought home a letter with their part in the Christmas Show either today or yesterday. We will be practising frequently from Monday so please do help them to learn their line (if they have one).
- Spellings this week: into, they, she, like