Thursday 30 January 2020

Weekly News w/c 27.01.20

This week in Maths, we concluded our work on shape by looking at repeating patterns.  On Monday, the children used plastic shapes to continue patterns of 2D and 3D shapes and they were able to identify most of the shapes used.  Then they used 3D shapes as stencils to help them to understand the properties of different 3D shapes.  They needed to think about which shapes had square, rectangular, circular of triangular faces in order to draw round them to continue the patterns.  The children have enjoyed this topic and especially liked singing the 2D and 3D shape songs!  Next week, we will return to number work, focusing on numbers to 50.

In English, we have continued with our mystery power of Reading book.  On Tuesday, the character Claude had written postcards to Mrs Theobald to tell her about his adventures in London.  Unfortunately, he forget all of his capital letters, so we learnt about when we need to use capital letters in our writing.  Then the children took on the role of the teacher and tried to correct Claude's mistakes.  They were able to identify many of the missing capital letters at the start of sentences, for names of people and places and for the pronoun 'I'.

The main focus of our weekly challenges has been geography and we have started making maps of some of the London landmarks.  Using these maps we gave directions using north, south, east and west and saying how many grid squares to move in each direction.  Most of the children have been really focused on completing their weekly challenges and it is nice to see them taking responsibility for their learning.


  • Multi skills - Caterpillars Monday 3rd February (pm) and Ladybirds Tuesday 4th February (pm).  Children all require a packed lunch as we will be leaving at the start of lunchtime.  They need to come to school in their PE kits and school sweatshirts on their day, so we will send PE kits home tonight.
  • Spelling words for this week - one    two    three    four .  As the children are in different groups for Phonics, we now check these on a Friday.
  • All of the homework books that were handed in have been marked and sent out again ready for the second task.  We have also stuck in the Knowledge Organiser for our current topic, Bright Lights, Big City.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team