Friday 24 April 2020

Year 1 Home Learning (week commencing 27th April)

We are hope that you are all continuing to stay safe and well; and that you are enjoying completing some of these activities with your children.  Remember, these are suggestions and you do not have to do everything.  We know that there is lots of fantastic learning going on and we are enjoying receiving your photos and especially seeing the children, who we are really missing, proudly displaying their work.

Please find below the tasks for next week.


Go to: and select ‘Summer - Week 1’.  Please watch one video each day and complete the linked activities.

Monday - Can you make doubles for numbers to 20?
Tuesday - Can you divide objects into equal groups?
Wednesday - Can you share out objects equally?
Thursday - Can you find a half of numbers to 20?
Friday - Can you complete the Friday Maths Challenge? (NB. questions 1 and 2 are most appropriate for Year 1)

Consolidate this learning with practical activities, such as:
·        using pairs of socks to work out doubles.
·        dividing toys into equal groups by arranging into rows and columns (i.e. making an array).
·        investigating different ways of sharing 24 objects equally (try sharing into 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 groups), ask “how many groups are there?” and “how many are there in each group?”
·        finding half of different shapes/helping to share out food, e.g. cutting a pizza/cake/chocolate bar in half etc.


Monday - Can you brainstorm words to describe a woodland scene?

Look at the woodland images (or think about a recent woodland walk) and discuss what you can see.  Listen to an excerpt from a woodland soundtrack and talk about what you can hear.

Use any available resources, e.g. coloured pencils, pens, crayons, scrap or natural materials, to create a picture of a wild woodland setting, imagining what it would be like to live there.

Brainstorm words or phrases to describe the setting and record these for Wednesday’s session, e.g. golden leaves, twisted branches, wind rustling in the trees.  Use your sounds to help you write the words you think of.

Tuesday - Handwriting

Write each tricky word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

were   there   what   when   they   into

Wednesday - Can you write a short narrative to describe a woodland scene?

Look at the wild woodland picture you created on Monday.  Re-read the descriptive words and phrases written about the scene.

Write a short paragraph to describe the scene.  Think about what you can see, hear, smell and feel.
** Remember, sentences need capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. **

Thursday - Reading comprehension

Choose one of the texts below based on your reading level and try to answer the questions.

Red      Yellow      Blue      Green      Orange      Turquoise

Friday - Can you write a poem about living in a woodland?

Free Verse poems have no rhyming structure and often don't have a particular rhythm or syllable pattern; as their name suggests, they’re simply 'free'.
They can be written by individuals, but also work well as collaborative poems, where members of a small group add individual lines – why not try writing a family poem with different members adding lines!

Alternatively, an acrostic poem takes a word related to the theme and spells it vertically.  Each line starts with a letter of the word.

Here are some examples to hopefully inspire you! 


Activity 1 - Can you identify and name common woodland animals?

Woodlands are a fantastic habitat and provide homes to a wide range of different animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

Find 5 different animals that live in woodlands and create a poster with the following information:
·        Name of the animal.
·        Picture of each animal.
·        Type of animal - i.e. mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian or fish.

Useful resources:

Activity 2 - Can you make a nest or den for an animal?

Build a nest or den for a woodland animal outdoors using sticks, twigs, leaves and other natural items.  Take photos of your creation.

Topic - D & T

Can you use natural resources to create a woodland wind chime?

Get creative with this fun Woodland Trust Nature Detectives activity.

Daily Tasks

Letters and Sounds are now doing daily live phonics lessons.  These will take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  There are useful videos available now to introduce the programme and explain how we teach phonics.
Remember that on a daily basis, we also expect children to read a book/use Bug Club to develop reading skills.

In addition, if you are a Lexia user, you can continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team