Saturday 16 May 2020

Year 1 Home Learning (week commencing 18th May)

Thank you once again for all your emails, photos and videos, it is lovely to see all the amazing learning the children have been doing.

Please find below the tasks for next week.


This week, White Rose are repeating lessons on measurement that we completed earlier in the lockdown.  We are therefore introducing money as our topic for this week.  This presentation covers the lessons from Monday to Thursday and there are some useful videos for the first two lessons.  It would be helpful if could you have a selection of coins available for children to hold and play with, so they become more used to handling money.

Monday - Can you recognise and compare British coins?              Worksheet
Watch:   (link also on presentation)

Tuesday - Can you recognise and compare British bank notes?   Worksheet
Watch:   (link also on presentation)

Wednesday - Can you count in coins?                                              Worksheet  

Thursday - Can you solve problems involving money?                   
Today’s questions focus on reasoning and problem solving based on this week’s learning.  (The questions can also be found on the final 2 slides of the presentation)

Friday - Can you complete the Friday Maths Challenge? 
Go to:, select Week 5 (w/c 18th May).

Consolidate this learning with practical activities, such as:
·        playing the Toy Shop money game:
·        playing some of the money games in the homework section on Education City.
·        practising making different amounts of money using coins and notes.
·        using wax crayons to make rubbings of different coins
·        counting assorted coins to work out the total.


Monday - Can you use your story map to write your own woodland story?

To remind children of the Wild story, re-watch the video of the author reading:  Ask children to use their story map from last week to write their own woodland story.  Discuss how they could start the story.  Wild starts with the line “No one knew how she came to the woods, but all knew it was right.”  Encourage children to go into as much detail as possible to develop their story.  Can they add descriptions to add interest, e.g. ‘the fox’ becomes ‘the cunning, red fox’?

This activity could be done as a simple book with a sentence and illustration on each page.

Tuesday - Handwriting

These words are taken from the Phase 2 to 5 High Frequency words list. 
Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

Mum   Dad   back   will   them   down  

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin, which you can access at home using these login details.

Wednesday - Can you find and organise facts about types of bear?

Introduce the idea of finding out more about one of the animals from the text that is the girl’s friend.  Explain to the children that this type of writing is called non-fiction, i.e. it is factual rather than made up.  This song helps explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction:

We are going to focus on the bear, who tucks her up on the first page.  Ask children what they already think they know about bears and what they would like to find out.
If you have a suitable non-fiction text at home, you could look at the features of a non-fiction text, e.g.
·        contents page - shows what’s in the book in number order.
·        index - in alphabetical order, useful to find specific information.
·        glossary - alphabetical list of terms used in the book with a definition.
·        photos with captions
·        heading and subheadings in different sized fonts.

Divide/fold a piece of paper into quarters and write the following headings in the four sections:
·        Different types of bears
·        Where bears live
·        What bears eat
·        What they look like 

Model how to make notes under each heading using bullet points. 

Suggested resources:
·        Bear fact cards
·        Bear fact sheet for adults

 Online resources
(a longer programme, but very informative and enjoyable) (lots of information, will require adult help)

Thursday - Phonics

Play Buried Treasure and sort the words into real and alien words.  Can you read the word and add the sound buttons too?

Friday - Can you create a fact file about a bear?

Ask children to pick their favourite type of bear from those they researched on Wednesday, e.g. a polar bear/brown bear etc.  Revisit facts written about their chosen bear, including where it lives, what it looks like, what it eats.  Can they remember what type of animal bears are?  Ask children to complete the fact file to share some of their facts.  Encourage them to write in full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces  and full stops.  Draw a picture in the box.


Can you use your knowledge of animal body parts to create a new animal?

Look at the Animal Bodies presentation and discuss how some animal body parts are the same/different to our bodies, e.g. some animals have tails, gills, wings etc.  As per the slides, ask children to describe the different animals to a partner and identify the odd one out in the different groups.

Complete the Bizarre Beasts activity sheet to create their own animal.  Make it colourful!

Design and Technology

Can you create a healthy woodland picnic?

Create teeny tiny, healthy treats to serve at a tiny tea party for imaginary woodland creatures.  Work with an adult to prepare and make mini sandwiches and small fruity skewers on cocktail sticks.
Work safely and wash hands thoroughly before handling food.

Alternatively, children could make imaginary foods using play dough or modelling clay.

Practical resources
·        Ingredients and equipment for making tiny treats
·        Small cups and saucers
·        Play dough


Can you create a woodland crown using natural materials?

Create a woodland crown out of natural materials and art/scrap materials.

Daily Tasks

Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games, such as Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound.

Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.

In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team