Friday 5 June 2020

Year 1 Home Learning (week commencing 8th June)

** NB. if you find that any of the website links on the blog don't work, copy and paste the link into your search bar.  This seems to get round the problem.  **

Hello Ladybirds and Caterpillars

Thank you for your emails over the last week.  We hope you are enjoying our new topic: Splendid Skies.  We also hope you are enjoying our new Power of Reading Book: Lila and the Secret of the Rain.  

Please find below the tasks for this week. 

As an extra challenge, can you use pre-cursive handwriting for all your work this week?


This week, White Rose are repeating some lessons that we completed earlier in the lockdown.  We are therefore doing a mixture of the Week 7 work and the alternative lessons.  Links for each lesson’s video and worksheets can be found below.

Monday - Can you count in 2s?                                                         Worksheet

Tuesday - Can you count in 5s?                                                       Worksheet

Wednesday - Can you read, write and count numbers to 50?      Worksheet

Thursday - Can you use place value for numbers to 50?              Worksheet

Friday - Can you complete the Friday Maths Challenge? 
Go to:, select Week 7 (w/c 8th June).

Consolidate this learning with practical activities, such as:
·        counting games, practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
·        playing games such as Deep Discoveries, Deep Sea Five, Don’t Be Shellfish and High Five on Education City.


Monday – Can you listen to and discuss a wide range of stories and give your opinion?

Re-watch to the whole story.
Talk about with your child about their first responses to the story.  What did they like and/ or dislike?  Provide your child with an oral scaffold for example: the most memorable part of the story was... because...; my top moment in the story was... because... and ask them to identify their favourite part of the narrative.  Encourage children to give reasons for their choices.

Ask the children to write about their favourite part of the story.  Encourage them to use correct punctuation and grammar (full stops and capital letters) and to revisit writing to check that it makes sense.  Can they write more than one sentence?

Possible sentence starters:
                        I enjoyed this story because…
                        My favourite part was…because…
                        I also like it when…
                        I found it interesting when…

Tuesday – Handwriting
These words are taken from the Phase 2 to 5 High Frequency words list. 
Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

house    make    very    from    with    this 

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login details.

Wednesday – Can you sequence and retell events using adverbials?

Explain that the main events are the main things which happen in a story and they must be told in the right order for the story to make sense.  Use the story sequencing cards (click here) to put the story into the right order.
Ask the children to retell the story using adverbials such as: first, after some time, then, next, after that, finally.
The children could draw a horizontal journey map showing Lila’s journey, make stick puppets or just use the sequencing cards to help them.

Thursday - Phonics

Use the Phase 5 sound mat to practise reading all the Phase 5 sounds – click here.
If there are any your child doesn’t know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.
You can also print off these alien words (click here) and hide them around the house. How many can you find?  They contain a mixture of Phase 3, 4 and 5 sounds.  Can you sound them out and blend them together accurately? Were there any you found tricky?

Friday – Can you rehearse orally what you are going to write?  Can you write sentences using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops?

Today we are going to do some drama.  We would like the children to put themselves in role as Lila.  Either re-watch the story (, or use the sequencing cards from last lesson, to stop at different points in the story and discuss: how is Lila feeling here?  What is she thinking?  How will she show this through her body language and facial expressions?  You could take some photos of your child freeze-framing Lila in a particular scene.

Write 2 or 3 thought bubbles in role as Lila at different points in the story.  You could print your pictures and stick your thought bubbles next to them.
Use your phonics to help you spell and think carefully about capital letters, full stops and neat handwriting.


Can you identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK?
What is the weather like in Kenya? How is it different to here in the UK?

Did you find where Kenya was on a map?  Whereabouts is it in the world?  Remember when we learnt about the 7 continents?  Well, Kenya is in the continent of Africa.
Is this near the equator?  Does this mean it is a hot or cold place?

This week we would like you to keep a weather diary for here in the UK and for Kenya in Africa.  Use the internet, for example BBC weather, to find out the weather and temperature for both places and record on your weather diary (click here for worksheet).


Can you learn about famous artists, discuss similarities and differences and make links to your own work?

Look at, talk about and compare weather-themed paintings created by different famous artists – click here to view them.  Describe what you can see.  Can you hunt for clues in the paintings to identify the seasons shown?  Remember that seasons are different to weather but certain weather is associated with particular seasons.

Can you create a painting (or drawing) of the weather outside or you own imaginative weather scenario?  Compare it to the paintings you saw earlier.


Can you perform a simple science experiment, observe closely and answer questions?

This week, if you have the listed equipment, we thought it would be fun for you to create your own cloud in a jar!

Watch this video and download the instructions – click here.

What is happening? What do you notice? Why is it doing that?

For an extra bit of fun, you could make some cloud dough to play with –

Daily Tasks

Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games, such as Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound.

Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.

In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team