Friday, 23 February 2018


Wow what an exciting start to our new superhero topic. On Wednesday we all dressed as superheroes and the whole year 1 base had lots of activities to choose from. These included making vegetable heroes after reading Supertato, fruit kebabs because we want to be healthy and strong like superheroes, lolly stick heroes, superhero wands, masks and shields and we made some slime!
We also had fun in the superhero photo booth.

Friday, 9 February 2018

The Way Back Home Assembly

Wow, what a super assembly from all of the year 1 children. They did such a super job of learning their lines and sharing lots of space facts. They also remembered all of the actions for telling the story through talk for writing - this is where they used pictures to help them retell the story using actions. Our Martian and Boy were fantastic actors too. The planets brought in for the children's home learning made a superb back drop for our stage. We hope you enjoyed it and here are some photos for anyone who missed it.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Maths Cafe

We had a fantastic Maths Cafe this week in Year 1. our grown ups came into the call for a cup of tea and a biscuit. We then joined them for a Maths story called Spinderella which was all about numbers. We then made our ow spiders, popped a number on the front and made the number in as many ways as we could on each leg. We showed our grown ups how we problem solve using numicon, bead strings and number lines.