Friday, 26 April 2019

Weekly News w/c 22.04.19

We have started our new Power of Reading mystery book this week.  First, we looked at an unusual image showing a bedroom that was transforming into an interesting looking forest!  We wrote thought bubbles to show what we thought the character was thinking.

Then we described a second image using exciting adjectives and similes and had some very aspirational writing.

In maths, we have started to learn about multiplication.  We have been making arrays with cubes and drawing arrays to help us solve problems such as, 2 x 5, 5 x 9 and  10 x 3.

In science, we have started learning about light and shadows.  We investigated how Dippy the Dinosaur's shadow changed during the day by marking and measuring it.

We found that the shadow got shorter as the day went on and moved round to the right.

We also had fun seeing what different shadow shapes we could create using our bodies.  We made some scary looking creatures, including one with 6 arms!

Next week, we are looking forward to our trip to Jurassic Journey.  The trip will take place entirely within the normal school day.  The children will need to wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch and water bottle with them.  Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to come with us. 

Enjoy your weekend.
The Year 1 Team

Friday, 5 April 2019

Weekly News w/c 01.04.19

This week in maths, we have been learning about weight.  On Wednesday, we used balance scales to weigh out equal quantities of the ingredients we needed to make cupcakes.  We put 2 eggs on one side of the scales, then one at a time, measured an equal quantity of sugar, flour and butter.  We mixed them together, baked them and iced them.  As a special treat, we shared them with our buddies in Year 3 and enjoyed chatting and reading with them while we ate.

In English, we finished our latest Power of Reading book, Beegu, by writing a short book review.  We all enjoyed the book and were able to pick our favourite part and explain why we liked it.

The school has subscribed to Bug Club, which is a fantastic resource for the children to use.  The children’s log in details have been stuck into their reading record books for you to use.  The website is suitable for computers and iPads and can be accessed via the following link:

Thank you for all your support this term and we hope you have a lovely Easter holiday.
The Year 1 Team

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Maths Cafe 02.04.19

Thank you to all the grown-ups who came to our Year 1 maths cafe this morning.  We hope that you enjoyed doing the workout and plate lacing activity with your child/grandchild.

Sorry for the technical difficulties we experienced.  We had intended to show the workout video on the big screen, but unfortunately the computer hadn't read the script for the morning!  If you want to try it again with the video then google 'Jack Hartman workout and count' and the children will be happy to help you!