On Tuesday we reread our Power of Reading Book - Where the Wild Things are.
We looked at particular images from the book and had a go at becoming characters and scenary. We also thought about what each character might be thinking or doing.
"I am a Wild Thing and I am thinking that I will eat you up!"
"I am the boat and I am gently rocking in the sea."
As part of a daily activity, we learnt about QR codes and how to use them to find information. We went on a hunt to find the 12 codes which revealed 12 words to write.
In maths this week, we have been learning about dividing by sharing into equal groups. We then had a go at drawing our own equal groups in our maths books.
On Friday, we had a yucky discovery!
Miss Shipp had collected some dinosaur poo!
We dissected the poo to discover if the dinosaur was a herbivore, omnivore or carnivore. We also thought about which dinosaur might have pooed the poo!
Notes and Reminders:
Home Learning Books will be coming home on Monday.
The children will have brought home their letter regarding sports day, the team they are in and their starting point.
Have a lovely weekend.