Friday, 28 June 2019

Weekly News

On Monday we continued our maths topic all about time. We made our own clocks using paper plates and cardboard circles. We then used these clocks to practise showing o'clock, half past and quarter to/past times.

We really enjoyed spending time with our grown ups on Tuesday morning at our writing cafe. We used the story cards and created our own mini book which are now in our new Learning Journey books.

On Wednesday we began painting our Van Gogh inspired Starry Night paintings. We're focussing on using different brushes and techniques to create our pictures.

We had so much fun at the Norfolk Show on Thursday! 
It was a long day for us all but there was so much to see and so much fun to be had.
Mrs Winsley's highlight was her chance to sit in a Red Arrow!

We all saw different parts of the show and have made many memories that will stay with us.

Did you spot Miss Shipp and some of the Ladybirds on the news?

We were all rather tired on Friday! We enjoyed some calming ERIC time and Independent Learning.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Weekly News w/c 17.06.19

This week in Year 1, we have continued to enjoy English lessons linked to our Power of Reading book 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'.  On Monday, we re-read the book and created our own story mountains to sequence events in the story using time adverbs, such as first, next, then and finally.

On Wednesday, we used emojis to think about Lila's thoughts and feelings at different points  throughout the story.  Then we read the story again and mimed how she felt.  The children really enjoyed this and some super body language and facial expressions were on display!

In maths we have been learning about time.  We started by sequencing the days of the week and months of the year, then we linked the months to the seasons in which they occur.

Today, we started to tell the time using o'clock and half past.  We used small clocks to practice setting the times and then drew the hands onto blank clock faces.  We will continue to practice this at school as this is quite tricky, but you can help us practice at home too.

This afternoon as part of our RE, we learned about the Christian baptism ceremony.  We sketched different objects and people linked with the ceremony and wrote about why it is important to Christians.

As one of our Daily Activities, we learned how to sign our names.  See if we can remember how to do it!

Next Tuesday (25th June) is our Year 1 Writing Cafe and you should have received an invitation for this.  Refreshments will be available from 8.50 - 9.05 and we have a story writing activity to do with your children shortly after!  We hope you will be able to join us and look forward to seeing you all.  

Next Thursday, we are looking forward to our trip to the Norfolk Show.  Remember your child will need to bring a packed lunch.  

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Weekly News w/c 10.06.19

This week has been very busy in Year 1.

On Monday we continued our science topic all about the weather. We made our own weather diaries and have been completing these every day. We have looked and listened carefully to what we could see and hear each day. We also started learning more about the seasons and changes that occur during these times of the year. We worked in our colour groups to sort a selection of pictures for each season.

In maths, we have revisited addition and subtraction. We all used concrete objects to solve problems including missing number sums.

In English, we discovered the name of our new Power of Reading book – Lila and the Secret of Rain. We read the story and considered the message that the author could be portraying through her story. We also thought about our favourite parts of the story and wrote sentences focussing on correct punctuation.

This week the children have completed their phonics screening. We looked at 20 real words and 20 alien words. The children carefully used their decoding skills to read all of these words. The results will be shared with you on the children’s end of year reports.

We have also been practising our dance in preparation for the summer fayre and look forward to seeing you all there on Friday at 5pm.

Home Learning
The new Splendid Skies home learning tasks for this half term are coming home with your child tonight.  If they did not bring their blue book in last term, they will be given the sheet with the activities on.  Please could you stick this into their book?
Spellings - again, some books have not been brought into school today so words could not be stuck into those books.  The words to practice for this week are:
  seven     eight     white     black

Please can you remind your child that toys should only be brought into school for 'Show and Tell' on a Friday or if they have been asked to bring them in for a special event.

Thank you
Year 1 Team

Friday, 7 June 2019

Weekly News w/c 03.06.19

Welcome back - we hope you had a lovely half term break.

Year 1 kicked off our new 'Splendid Skies' topic on Tuesday with a trip to the common.  The children loved looking at the clouds and sketching the different shapes that they saw.  They also enjoyed investigating the natural materials that they found and making twig letters with their finds.

We also made journey sticks to remind us of our memorable day.

This week, we have focused on phonics rather than doing reading groups in readiness for next week's Phonics Screening. Please continue to practice sounds and blending with your child.

In maths, we did a whole-school task to allow the children to show their reasoning skills.  It was lovely to see them using their knowledge of addition to find solutions to the task.

In English, we have started our new Power of Reading book and discussed images from the book and specifically looking at different types of skies.  

Please remember your child needs to have a hat and a water bottle in school every day.
To encourage the children to become more independent, we would now like you to drop them off at the blue, outside door rather than coming into school with them - thank you.

Thank you
The Year 1 team