Friday, 29 November 2019

Weekly News w/c 25.11.19

In English this week, we wrote sentences to say what we have enjoyed doing this term.  We used the word 'because' to explain why we liked what we had chosen.  Here are some of the things we said:

  • I enjoyed the Reading Cafe because it was with Mum.   - Esme
  • I enjoyed making truffles because they were tasty.   - Isla
  • I enjoyed making chocolate lollies because you could take them home.   - Matthew
  • I liked chocolate Wow day because we tasted chocolate.   Ronnie M

In maths, we used a variety of resources, including Numicon, counters, number lines and our fingers, to find the missing number on part-whole models.  

We also practised our adding by doing an addition colour by numbers as one of our weekly challenges.

In Phonics, we have started learning the split digraphs, i_e and o_e.  We have practised using these using phoneme cubes and by playing games such as Buried Treasure, where we read and sort a mixture of real and alien words.

  • Please remember to send your child's costume for the Christmas show in a named carrier bag on Monday, if you haven't done so already.

  • This week's words are:  no,  her,  some,  one
Thank you and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team

Friday, 22 November 2019

Weekly News - w/c 18.11.19

We have had so many visitors this week to help us with our learning!

This week in English, we wrote questions that we would like to ask John Cadbury, the founder of the Cadbury chocolate company.  Our questions included:

  • When were you born?
  • When did you start the chocolate factory?
  • How long have you been making chocolate?
  • How do you make chocolate bars?  
On Thursday, we had a visit from John Cadbury (thank you Ian for acting the part).  We asked him some of our questions and learnt about his life and how the Cadbury chocolate company started.  After that, we wrote fact files to show what we had learned.

In maths, we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and some children have extended this understanding to number bonds to 20.

We learnt a song (to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat) to help us:

9 and 1 are number bonds
So are 8 and 2
7 and 3
6 and 4
5 and 5 are twins.

In RE this week we have continued learning about Christianity. As part of this Rev. Adrian Miller visited us on Tuesday to tell us about Christian life and the Church. He even performed a mini, pretend wedding. The children were excellent actors and loved taking part.

We have been practising hard for our Christmas show and tonight a letter will come home explaining what is required for children's costumes.  Please ask if you are unsure what is needed.

Spellings for this week: to, you, all, little.

Have a lovely weekend, 
The Year 1 Team


Friday, 15 November 2019

Weekly News - 15.11.19

Firstly we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Learning Café this week. The children really enjoy having you there and we hope you found it useful.

At the start of the week we made chocolate truffles! We thought about the imperative verbs (bossy verbs) that tell us what to do (the action).  These included: mix, melt, stir, put, crush, break. At the end of the week we sequenced pictures from our truffle making and wrote the instructions. We are starting to encourage many children to use capital letters at the start of their sentences.

In Maths this week we have continued learning to add numbers together. This week we used a number line. We addressed the misconception that when adding on a number line you must count the jumps and not the numbers. Some children counted the first number which meant that 2 + 3 = 4 not 5! We encouraged them children to put their pen on the number before drawing/counting the jumps.

In History this week we looked at shops today and shops in the past. We discussed how the experience of shopping has changed over the last 100 years. The children were amazed that you had to go to lots of different shops just to get the items you needed for one meal! We also looked at how you can order things now using phones, iPads and computers.

- Your child has brought home a letter with their part in the Christmas Show either today or yesterday. We will be practising frequently from Monday so please do help them to learn their line (if they have one).
- Spellings this week: into, they, she, like

Friday, 8 November 2019

Weekly News 8.11.19

We are learning so much at the moment in Year 1.

This week, in English, we have been busy writing Bonfire Night poems. We though about the  things we might see at a Bonfire party (fireworks, bonfires, hot dogs, sparklers, people, rides) and what those things would be doing (zooming, banging, burning, sizzling, glittering, watching, spinning).
We explained how we were using the suffix '-ing'.
These poems, along with our chocolate poems, are making a display in the lower school hall which you will be able to see at our Reading Café next week.

In Maths we have been using a bar model to split numbers into two parts. We learnt to write the addition sentence to say what it showed.
Later in the week we moved on to adding numbers using objects. Some children added 1-digit numbers together and some moved on to adding teen numbers together.

In History this week we learnt about the real-life story of Guy Fawkes. The children cut up and sequenced the story and learnt why we celebrate Bonfire Night every Year on the 5th November.

We have started Phase 5 phonics. So far we have learnt the following sounds: ay, ou, ir, oy, ie, ea, ue, aw. At our Reading Café next week the children will be making their own Phase 5 flashcards to take home.

- Home learning has been sent home today.
- The four spellings this week are: go, are, were, have. We will test these on Wednesday.
- Reading Café is on Thursday 14th at 9:00am in Lower School Hall - this will be a phonics workshop and chance for you to hear about the Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Weekly News 28.10.19

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely half term break.

On Monday, we started a block of lessons on poetry by reading two poems about chocolate, including this one by Michael Rosen.   Then we each melted a chocolate button in our hand to inspire us to describe what we could see, feel, smell and taste.  We created group mind maps of our descriptions and will use these to help us write our own chocolate poems.

In maths, we finished our place value unit by looking at number lines.  We solved clues to identify mystery numbers and found where they went on the number line.   Today, we started addition and subtraction and used a part whole model to find different ways of split numbers into two parts.  This will lead into writing addition number sentences.

In geography, we listened to a rap and learnt about the seven continents of the world.  We know that countries closer to the equator are hotter and those further away are colder, so we worked out what their climates would be like based on their location.  One of our independent challenges this week is to re-create a map of the world showing where each continent is.

Home Learning
Thank you for all the wonderful home learning you completed with your children last half term.  We hope you had fun doing the different activities.  The home learning books will be sent out again next week with a new set of activities for you to enjoy.

As we said on a previous post, we are starting spelling homework this half term.  The children will have 4 spellings to practice each week.  We recommend using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check strategy.  Look at the word, say it aloud, cover it and try to write it, then check the spelling.  The words can be written in the back of their reading record.  The words for this week are:
  • the
  • said
  • was
  • come

Thank you and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team