Thursday, 30 January 2020

Weekly News w/c 27.01.20

This week in Maths, we concluded our work on shape by looking at repeating patterns.  On Monday, the children used plastic shapes to continue patterns of 2D and 3D shapes and they were able to identify most of the shapes used.  Then they used 3D shapes as stencils to help them to understand the properties of different 3D shapes.  They needed to think about which shapes had square, rectangular, circular of triangular faces in order to draw round them to continue the patterns.  The children have enjoyed this topic and especially liked singing the 2D and 3D shape songs!  Next week, we will return to number work, focusing on numbers to 50.

In English, we have continued with our mystery power of Reading book.  On Tuesday, the character Claude had written postcards to Mrs Theobald to tell her about his adventures in London.  Unfortunately, he forget all of his capital letters, so we learnt about when we need to use capital letters in our writing.  Then the children took on the role of the teacher and tried to correct Claude's mistakes.  They were able to identify many of the missing capital letters at the start of sentences, for names of people and places and for the pronoun 'I'.

The main focus of our weekly challenges has been geography and we have started making maps of some of the London landmarks.  Using these maps we gave directions using north, south, east and west and saying how many grid squares to move in each direction.  Most of the children have been really focused on completing their weekly challenges and it is nice to see them taking responsibility for their learning.


  • Multi skills - Caterpillars Monday 3rd February (pm) and Ladybirds Tuesday 4th February (pm).  Children all require a packed lunch as we will be leaving at the start of lunchtime.  They need to come to school in their PE kits and school sweatshirts on their day, so we will send PE kits home tonight.
  • Spelling words for this week - one    two    three    four .  As the children are in different groups for Phonics, we now check these on a Friday.
  • All of the homework books that were handed in have been marked and sent out again ready for the second task.  We have also stuck in the Knowledge Organiser for our current topic, Bright Lights, Big City.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team

Friday, 24 January 2020

Weekly News w/c 20.1.20

This week we have started our new Power of Reading book in English. The children do not know what the book is called yet, but they do know the main character is called Claude and that he has a best friend called Sir BobblySock.

On Monday we read the first 10 pages and made inferences about Claude based on what we had read. The children decided he was friendly because he had a best friend, he was happy because he had a smiley face, he was cheeky because he watched his owners with one eye open, and he was French because he wears a beret on his head. Later in the week, we wrote predictions about what adventure we thought Claude and his friend would have in the story. Some children used the conjunctions 'and' and 'because' to extend their sentences.

In Maths this week we have been learning all about 2D shapes. We know the names of the following shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon. pentagon, and octagon. Later in the week we were sorting them according to their sides and corners.

In Geography we have been learning what physical and human features are. We decided that human features were built by people and physical features where already part of the Earth and are natural. We looked specifically and the features of London and learnt why London does not have beaches or mountains.


- Spellings next week are:   could   should    people    their

Friday, 17 January 2020

Weekly News w/c 13.01.20

We’ve had yet another an exciting week!

On Monday morning, we made sandwiches and coloured in Union Jack flags.  In the afternoon, we had a tea party with the ‘Queen’!  We had a lovely time eating our sandwiches, lots of us tried a cup of tea and the Queen answered some of our questions about her life.  

Later in the week, many children were very aspirational when writing a recount of her visit using time conjunctions, such as ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘after that’ and ‘finally’.  We are steadily progressing with the use of capital letters and full stops in our sentences.  We are pleased that some children are starting to apply our new pre-cursive letters and you should have had an email from the office showing you what these look like.

In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes.  We have revised the names of the shapes, which the children knew very well from Reception, and have started learning about their properties using maths vocabulary of faces, edges and vertices (corners).  We used several very catchy songs to help with our learning!

In science this week, we continued thinking about the materials that different objects are made from and sorted them for the purposes of recycling.  

Now that the children are in phonics groups, we will be doing our spelling check on a Friday, which will give you a whole week to practice.
Spellings for this week are:   your,   looked,   called,   oh

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team

Friday, 10 January 2020

Weekly News w/c 06.01.20

Wow!  What an exciting week we have had!

On Thursday, Mrs Theobald had a special letter hand delivered to her from Buckingham Palace.  The letter said that the Queen wants to visit the Year 1 children for a tea party on Monday.  She also said that she is happy to answer questions about her life, her family and her job, so the children spent the rest of the day writing questions that they would like to ask her.  They wanted to know thing as like:

                “What are your dogs called?”
                “What does your throne look like?”
                “Do you like biscuits?”
                “Does your palace have stairs?”
                “When is your birthday?”

This week, we have had a Week of Inspirational Maths.  On Tuesday, we played a strategy game called ‘Game of Totals’ where we had to lay counters and the aim was to lay the tenth one.  We had to try and work out if there was a way we could win every time.  Today, we did a ‘Foot Parade’.  We had to choose different animals to make a total of 12 feet. 

In science, we are learning about materials.  As one of our challenges, we have been hunting round the base to find, draw and label things made of materials such as wood, metal, plastic and paper.  
Today we did a tennis taster with Sam from the Mulbarton Social Club Tennis section.  The children really enjoyed learning some basic tennis skills.

From Monday, we will be grouping the children for phonics sessions in order to prepare them for the Year 1 Phonics Screening in June.  Please remember to use your sound cards and hear your children read regularly to support this.

  • On Monday, we have our Royal Tea Party.  Children should come to school in uniform and bring their smart clothes in a bag to change into at lunchtime.
  • Spellings for this week are: when   out   Mr   Mrs
  • Home Learning books are coming home again today with new tasks for this half term (assuming they were returned to school before Christmas).  We hope you enjoy completing the tasks with your children.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team