Friday, 10 November 2017

Week Beginning 6th November

This week at school we have enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Bog Baby’ which we then made a story map of.  This story has inspired us to create our own stories using a story mountain format, we have planned the characters, setting, beginning, middle and end.  Next week we will begin using the shoe boxes to create our story world and write up our final version of the story.

In maths this week we have been learning about odd and even numbers and sorting numbers to 100 into this pattern.  We have continued this learning to then count in 2’s and fill in missing numbers on a number line.  We learnt that you can say number 1 quietly and then 2 loudly, 3 quietly and then 4 loudly to help with this.

Thank you for your support with the children’s spellings – these will be checked in a very informal way during our daily phonic session.  The children are used to having to think of ways to spell and write words during these sessions.  The next sets of spellings we have sent home you will see are all tricky words and this is the way that we will continue for now.

We’ve begun practising the songs for our Christmas performances and so far these are going very well!  What a choir of angels we already have – hope you will agree as you will probably hear them practising at home.

We have sent home the next home learning – the first piece needs to be handed in by Wednesday 22nd November and we will return your child’s book by Friday 24th November.  The second piece will then be due by Wednesday 6th December.

Have a great Weekend – The Year 1 team.