Friday, 25 January 2019

Weekly News w/c 21/01/19

Another busy week in Year 1 and here is some of what we've been up to!

This week we continued reading our 'mystery book'.  On Monday for Wonderful Writing, we pretended we were the main character, a dog called Claude, and wrote a postcard about our adventures in the city.  Yesterday, we worked in groups to create a poster for an imaginary cafe for Claude to visit.  We came up with lots of doggy-themed delights to tempt him with, such as:

Delicious bone rolls
Dog doughnuts
Bone ice-cream
Bone burgers
and banana bones!

For maths, we used number lines to help us subtract and then we tackled some word addition and subtraction problems linked to the Queen.  We could choose to solve the problems using any of the maths equipment in class, including Numicon, bead strings, cubes, number lines and of course our fingers!  Many of the children were very aspirational and tried the gold challenge, which was fantastic to see!  

This morning, we starting learning about Judaism and looked at some Jewish artefacts.  We took the opportunity to practice our sketching skills and enjoyed looking at the items more closely and drawing what we saw.  We certainly have some budding artists in our ranks.

Have a good weekend.
The Year 1 Team

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Weekly News w/c 14/01/19

It has been another busy week in Caterpillars! 🐛 

On Monday, we were introduced to our 'Mystery Book' to kick start our new Power of Reading project.  We looked carefully at an illustration in the book and made inferences about the character and where they could be:
"He is a dog."
“He could be an artist as artists wear hats like that.”
"It could be in London as there are lots of tall buildings.”

We then read the first nine pages to see what we could find out about this character:

"He is called Claude."
"He is a small, plump dog."
"His best friend is Sir Bobblysock."
"He lives with Mr and Mrs Shinyshoes."

From our knowledge of the character, we then wrote our own character profiles about Claude.

On Thursday, we looked again at our mystery book. We listened to a sound clip of a busy city and watched a short time lapse video of London to understand what it is like in a busy city. From this we wrote our own city poems and used the suffix -ing.

In maths, we have been looking at solving addition problems. 
First, we learnt how to use a number line and count on to add two numbers.  Then, we were faced with some missing number problems, which we solved using bar models.

We have also been busy with more science experiments. This time we thought about objects that are see-through. We learnt 3 new words: 'transparent', 'translucent' and 'opaque'. We had a fun quiz to match the object with its property.

Monday, 14 January 2019

A Royal Engagement!

Last Thursday, we were thrilled to enjoy our tea party with The Queen!  The children made sandwiches for the occasion and dressed up in their smart clothes.  We had a fantastic afternoon and were able to ask Her Majesty some questions about her life.  We were especially interested to hear that she has 2 dorgis, which is a cross between a corgi and a dachshund.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Weekly News w/c 07/01/19

Happy New Year!

We’ve had a busy start to the new term in Caterpillars and launched our new topic, Bright Lights, Big City.  On Monday, we learned about the Queen and the Royal family and used this as the focus for our Wonderful Writing.

Having found out lots of information about the Queen, you can imagine our excitement when we received these invitations today!

We are looking forward to dressing up in our smart clothes for this special event and will enjoy sharing our experience with you later in the week!