Friday 25 January 2019

Weekly News w/c 21/01/19

Another busy week in Year 1 and here is some of what we've been up to!

This week we continued reading our 'mystery book'.  On Monday for Wonderful Writing, we pretended we were the main character, a dog called Claude, and wrote a postcard about our adventures in the city.  Yesterday, we worked in groups to create a poster for an imaginary cafe for Claude to visit.  We came up with lots of doggy-themed delights to tempt him with, such as:

Delicious bone rolls
Dog doughnuts
Bone ice-cream
Bone burgers
and banana bones!

For maths, we used number lines to help us subtract and then we tackled some word addition and subtraction problems linked to the Queen.  We could choose to solve the problems using any of the maths equipment in class, including Numicon, bead strings, cubes, number lines and of course our fingers!  Many of the children were very aspirational and tried the gold challenge, which was fantastic to see!  

This morning, we starting learning about Judaism and looked at some Jewish artefacts.  We took the opportunity to practice our sketching skills and enjoyed looking at the items more closely and drawing what we saw.  We certainly have some budding artists in our ranks.

Have a good weekend.
The Year 1 Team