Friday, 26 July 2019

Happy Holidays!

Well, we made it!  The summer holidays have finally arrived, along with the sunshine.

Thank you to all the amazing Caterpillars and Ladybirds for your unlimited energy and enthusiasm this year!  It has been a pleasure teaching you and we know you will make wonderful Whales and Dolphins from September.

To all the grown-ups, thank you for supporting us throughout the year, including at events such as the Year 1 assemblies and the various cafes we have run.  Thank you also for the thoughtful gifts, cards and the lovely comments we have received this week.

Have a fabulous holiday.

The Year 1 team

Friday, 19 July 2019

Weekly News w/c 15.07.19

This week we have been very aspirational!  We have had visitors in our assemblies every day telling us about their jobs.  So far, we have learnt about a variety of jobs including being a pilot, taxidermist, artist, property developer, midwife, doctor and a wedding planner.
On Monday, we came in dressed as what we would like to be when we grow up.  We had a number of footballers, several children aspiring to be doctors, nurses, vets and scientists and a few aspiring teachers too!
In maths, we have continued learning about money and we are becoming more familiar with British coins.  We have started working out how to make different totals up to £ using coins.  Some children have also calculated how much change they would get from 20p and £1.
This afternoon, we completed the ‘Go Run for Fun’ fun run around Mulbarton Common.  All the children were very aspirational and successfully completed one lap of the course.  Thank you to all the grown-ups who came along to support their children.

Children no longer need to bring book bags into school.  If your child has not yet brought in a carrier bag, please could they do so on Monday?  We have a lot of their wonderful work to send home.

Also, please remember that children can still access their Bug Club account over the summer holidays.  If you have not used it at home before, google 'Bug Club' and select the top link.  Each child's user name is the first 4 letters in their first and surnames, e.g. John Smith would be johnsmit, and the school code is 99kq.  If you cannot remember the password you were given, speak to your class teacher.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week for an exciting last three days in Year 1.

The Year 1 team

Friday, 12 July 2019

Weekly News

We have had a very exciting week so far!

We spent the first three days in our brand new classrooms as grown up year 2 children.

On Monday, we made birthday cards and wrote labels for our Year 2 books. We also took part in a circle time to think about what a good Year 2 friend looks like before learning a brand new good morning song in Spanish! In the afternoon we completed an 'All about me' booklet that will live in our new reading areas for us to look at.

On Tuesday we created our own collage dolphin or whale. We also had our photograph taken ready to become our new classroom display. In the afternoon a mystery suitcase appeared in the classrooms. We worked out who they belonged to and why each item was in the suitcase. We discovered they belonged to our new teachers and they were special items. We then made our own suitcase full of our own special belongings before trying to guess who the suitcases belonged to!

On Wednesday, we learnt all about our new class sea creatures. In dolphin class we focussed on the Bottlenose Dolphin and wrote our own fact files about them. In whale class we learnt about whales and also wrote a fact file. We also painted large dolphins and whales ready for our display. In the afternoon we thought about a goal or something we would like to achieve in Year 2. We wrote these goals on balloons that will form part of a display in our new classrooms.

On Thursday it was time to return to our Year 1 classrooms. We started learning about money. We looked at different coins and discussed their values before making rubbings of each coin and labeling them.

On Friday we started to learn about animals and their habitats. We discovered what animals need to survive and what a good habitat looks like for some animals. We then chose an animal and drew it in its habitat.

Please ensure that all library books and home reading books are in the children's book bags. These need to be collected and sorted ready for the next academic year.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Weekly News w/c 01.07.19

This week in Year 1, we have continued work linked to our Power of Reading book 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'.  The children enjoyed using the laptops on Thursday to research Kenya as this is where our story is set.  We found out lots of information including where Kenya is, the size of its population, what its flag looks like and about the wildlife there.  Then, we used the information to write our own fact files to share our information.

In maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of time and have started using the vocabulary of 'earlier' and 'later', 'faster' and 'slower'.  We also tried to solve some word problems involving time.  Can you solve this Gold challenge question?

     Miss Wright had a party and five of her friends came.  Use the clues to work out what order her friends arrived.

·        Sam arrived later than Ben and Lily.
·        Kit arrived later than Sam but earlier than Pippa.
·        Lily arrived the earliest.
In continuous provision, we have also enjoyed using stopwatches to time ourselves to complete different activities, e.g. running the width of the playground.

As part of our Splendid Skies topic, we have been learning about the weather.  This week, we conducted a science experiment to investigate the question 'How Wild is the Wind?'  We measured the direction and strength of the wind every day to see how this changed and answered questions about our findings.

In RE, we have been learning about Christian baptisms.  This week, we worked collaboratively to write our own baptism blessings. 

Next week, we have our three transition days where we get to spend time in our new classes.  Ladybirds will become Dolphins with Miss Shipp; and Caterpillars will become Whales with Mrs Brooks and Mrs Peek.  We are sure they will have a fabulous time.  Remember that the children will be collected from the playground on Monday morning and taken straight to their new classes.  The children have been shown where they need to line up.

Have a lovely weekend
Year 1 Team

Tuesday, 2 July 2019


Please ensure that the children have their PE bags in school on Wednesday for our PE lesson - lots of children were missing this yesterday.

Our Year 2 transition days are fast approaching. The Year 2 teachers are inviting the children to bring in an item which best describes them. They are, however, encouraging them to bring something in that we might not already know.
For example, if you attend the after school football club - we might already know that you like football. The challenge is to think outside the box!