Friday 12 July 2019

Weekly News

We have had a very exciting week so far!

We spent the first three days in our brand new classrooms as grown up year 2 children.

On Monday, we made birthday cards and wrote labels for our Year 2 books. We also took part in a circle time to think about what a good Year 2 friend looks like before learning a brand new good morning song in Spanish! In the afternoon we completed an 'All about me' booklet that will live in our new reading areas for us to look at.

On Tuesday we created our own collage dolphin or whale. We also had our photograph taken ready to become our new classroom display. In the afternoon a mystery suitcase appeared in the classrooms. We worked out who they belonged to and why each item was in the suitcase. We discovered they belonged to our new teachers and they were special items. We then made our own suitcase full of our own special belongings before trying to guess who the suitcases belonged to!

On Wednesday, we learnt all about our new class sea creatures. In dolphin class we focussed on the Bottlenose Dolphin and wrote our own fact files about them. In whale class we learnt about whales and also wrote a fact file. We also painted large dolphins and whales ready for our display. In the afternoon we thought about a goal or something we would like to achieve in Year 2. We wrote these goals on balloons that will form part of a display in our new classrooms.

On Thursday it was time to return to our Year 1 classrooms. We started learning about money. We looked at different coins and discussed their values before making rubbings of each coin and labeling them.

On Friday we started to learn about animals and their habitats. We discovered what animals need to survive and what a good habitat looks like for some animals. We then chose an animal and drew it in its habitat.

Please ensure that all library books and home reading books are in the children's book bags. These need to be collected and sorted ready for the next academic year.