Friday, 27 March 2020

Year 1 Home Learning (week commencing 30th March)

Please find below the tasks we would like you to complete next week.

Mass, weight, capacity and volume
Please watch each of the 5 videos for week 1 and complete the linked activities.

·        Consolidate this learning with practical measuring activities, such as comparing the weight of different items, weighing and measuring ingredients to make a cake, investigating the capacity of different sized containers.

Diary writing

Task 1 - Can you write a diary entry about the Great Fire of London?

·        Imagine you are a child in London during the Great Fire of London.
·        Write about your day - how you were woken up by people shouting, you collected your things and ran from your house in fear.
·        Tell your diary what you heard, saw and smelled and how you escaped by boat on the river Thames.
·        Focus on using capital letters, full stops and pre-cursive handwriting.

Task 2 - Can you identify use of the past tense?

·        We use the past tense to talk about things that have already happened.
·        Use a different colour to circle any verbs (doing words) that show the past tense, e.g. ran, escaped, climbed.

 Task 3 - Can you illustrate your diary entry?

·        Draw a picture of the scene. 
·        Remember that the buildings were made of wood and had timber beams. 
·        Try to include lots of detail and make your picture colourful.

The UK

Can you name the 4 countries and capital cities of the UK?

·        On a map of the UK (e.g. Map sheet), label the 4 countries and their capital cities.
·        Can you make a fact file about the 4 countries?  Include information such as: 
·        The country’s flag.
·        Their national symbol.
·        The number of people who live there.
·        Key physical features - major rivers, mountains, lakes/lochs
·        Key human features - major landmarks
·        Any other interesting facts.
Lent and Easter

Can you explain why Easter is important to Christians?

·        Follow the link to learn about Lent and Easter - Lent and Easter
·        Can you decorate your own cross in the Aboriginal style or using scrap materials from around your house?
·        Can you draw your own Easter themed picture to show what you have learnt?

Daily Tasks

Remember that on a daily basis, we also expect children to:
  • practice phase 3/5 phonic sounds using flashcards/games, such as Time Challenge or Speed Trial on Phonics Play.
  • read a book/use Bug Club to develop reading skills.
In addition, if you are a Lexia user, you can continue to use this from home. 

Advice for writing

In Year 1, we encourage the children to use their sounds and 'have a go'.   So, if your child mis-spells words but has used the sounds they know effectively, we wouldn't correct them, e.g. ‘harf’ (half) or ‘flor’ (floor).  We would encourage them to look again at any mis-spelt tricky words (a Year 1 expectation) using the word card on last week’s blog. 

After Easter, we will update the blog on a weekly basis with tasks for you to complete with your children.  We will set a maths and English activity for every day, together with a science and two topic-based activities to be completed during the week.
If you have any questions about the tasks, please comment on this blog.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

UPDATE 24.03.20

We hope you are keeping well and had a good day yesterday with your children.  Here are some additional suggestions and resources to support you during the school closure.

We are aware that some websites are publishing timetables.  We thought this might be useful for anyone who wishes to see what our timetable normally entails.  This was our basic timetable for last week.

Phonics Play are currently offering free access to their site.  We recommend games such as 'Speed Trial' and 'Time Challenge' to practice sounds; and games like 'Buried Treasure', 'Dragon's Den' or 'Picnic on Pluto' for reading and sorting real and alien words.

They also have fully decodable comics -

Here are the tricky words that Year 1 children are expected to know.

 Try practising writing these words using pre-cursive handwriting.

This week, we were going to be writing a diary, just like Samuel Pepys did.  Try keeping your own diary about what you are doing at home.

This week, try measuring different sized objects using non-standard units, such as Lego bricks, paperclips or your hands or feet.  Think about questions such as:

  • How tall are you?
  • How long is your bedroom?
  • Can you find 2 things that are shorter/longer than your arm?

Then move on to measuring in centimetres using a ruler or tape measure.

For simple games to practice addition and subtraction, go to the following link.  Scroll down to 'KS1 activity videos' to watch the video.  Resources are found below the video.

Health and well-being
As part of Nuffield Health's SWAP (School Well-being Activity Programme), they have created a well-being journal filled with challenges and activities to keep children happy, healthy and active whilst at home.  The journal is based on the four pillars of SWAP; how I eat, how I sleep, how I move, how I feel, and has both interactive and printable versions.

The Body Coach, Joe Wicks, is doing live workouts aimed at children at 9am every weekday.  Alternatively, you can do the workouts at a time to suit you by following the link to his YouTube channel.

General resources
On the school website, there is a page with lots of different online resources:

BBC Teach - resources for all curricular areas:

Please feel free to comment on our blog posts to share any home learning you are doing. 

Thank you and stay safe,
The Year 1 Team 

Friday, 20 March 2020

Weekly News w/c 16.03.20

We have had a fairly normal week in Year 1 this week, considering everything that is going on, and wanted to share with you what we have been up to.

In English this week we learnt about nouns and adjectives and put these together to write noun phrases, for example: 'the bright orange flames'. We used this new knowledge to write a description about the Great Fire of London.

In Maths this week we have been learning how to measure length and height. We began by using cubes to measure items and moved on to using a ruler and measuring in centimetres (cm). We learnt that it was important to correctly line up our measuring tool to the edge of the object to get an accurate measurement. 

In history we created a timeline of the main events that happened over the 4 days that the fire lasted. We also considered how life was different in 1666 including the houses, the importance of fire for cooking and light, and different jobs.

We have been enjoying our gymnastics lessons in PE this half term. We have learnt different ways of travelling, shapes, jumps and rolls and have been putting these together in sequence. We enjoyed applying this learning on the mats, benches, tables and wall bars this week.

Finally, we do hope you all feel able to access the range of resources on offer to you from our previous blog post. There are a lot of companies offering free resources and we have given you a good selection to choose from. 

Most importantly look after each other and take care. 
Hopefully it won't be too long before we can get back to normal.

Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team

Tuesday, 17 March 2020


Please find below initial guidance on what you can do with your child/children in the event of a school closure/self-isolation.  This will be updated as necessary.

For information on what we have been learning this term, please look at our Knowledge Organisers and Curriculum maps: 
(These will be updated after Easter, should the need arise)

The Year 1 expectations for each child can be found at the following link:

We are recommending the Home Learning pack for KS1 on the TTS website.  It is a very substantial pack, covering a wide range of subjects, that you can work your way through or choose activities from:

We have put lots of maths and English activities on the Homework section of Education City.  There are also activities for other areas of the curriculum for you to investigate by going to the Subjects tab on the homepage.  The children are bringing their login details home again with them tonight in case you do not have them.

Bug Club also provides lots of reading resources that have been allocated based on each child's reading ability.
User name - first 4 letters of your child's first name and surname
password - Ladybirds19 or Caterpillars19
School code - 99kq

There are lots of amazing resources online.  Twinkl has lots of resources that we use in school.  They are currently offering temporary access to parents using the following details: enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS

We hope this is useful.  Feel free to pick and choose as you see fit.

The Year 1 Team

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Weekly News w/c 09.03.20

We've had another great week in Year 1!

In maths, we have been learning how to count in 2s and 5s.  We practised writing number sequences counting in 2s and 5s, filling in missing numbers and some of us used the Numicon to help us with our counting.

As part of our Bright Lights, Big City topic, we have been learning about the Great Fire of London.  We learnt that it started on 2nd September 1666 in a bakery on Pudding Lane.  The bakery belonged to a man called Thomas Farriner.  We also learnt that the fire burned quickly because the houses were made of wood and were built very close together.  On Monday in our English lesson, we wrote fact files to share some of the things that we had learned about the fire.

Today, we went to Strangers' Hall in Norwich.  We travelled back in time to learn more about life around the time of The Great Fire of London.  We looked around some of the rooms in the house and spotted lots of fire risks, like the candles and open fires; and furniture placed really close to the fire.  We met a lady called Bess and she showed us different objects that would have been found in the houses.  One of the most interesting things was the giant piece of sugar that they would have have shaved pieces off and eaten as a desert!  We also acted out the fire and trying to put it out using water from the River Thames with a man called Henry.

We learnt lots about life back then and all really enjoyed our trip.  The staff at the museum complimented staff on the children's behaviour and said that they were 'a credit to Mulbarton'.  We are very proud of them.  We would like to send a massive thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to come with us and make this trip possible 😃.

It has also been Science Week this week, so we have been learning more about the properties of different materials, such as whether they are transparent, opaque, magnetic, rough or smooth.  Ask us to describe items at home to practice!

Reminders and Notes

  • Please can you save any empty cardboard cereal boxes for us as we wish to make some Pudding Lane style houses?   
  • Spellings for next week:   seventeen,   eighteen,   nineteen,   twenty
Thank you and have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team

Friday, 6 March 2020

World Book Day

We have had a wonderful day today celebrating World Book Day 2020. The children were incredibly excited to dress as their favourite book characters and have spent the day making book marks, sharing their books, designing book covers, hunting for books in the library that contain certain characters, and listening to other teachers in school read.

Thank you for your efforts with costumes. I am sure you will agree that the children, and the adults, look fantastic!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Weekly News w/c 02.03.20

This week, in maths we have continued using the greater than, less than and equals signs (>, <, =) to compare numbers up to 100.  Then we looked at how to order numbers from the smallest to the greatest.  We learnt that first we need to look at how many tens a number has and then we compare the ones. 

In English, we read the second story in 'Claude in the City' and heard about Claude's trip to the hospital and how he makes everybody better.  We compared the two stories and identified similarities and differences between them.  In both stories a problem arises and Claude manages to solve the problem and saves the day.  First we planned and then we wrote our own adventures for Claude using this idea.  We have also enjoyed having a hospital themed role play in the base so that we can imagine ourselves as doctors, nurses and patients.

We have continued learning about materials in Science and this week we learned about floating and  sinking.  We each made a prediction about whether the 6 objects would float or sink when placed in water and then we tested them to see if our predictions were accurate.  Next week is Science Week, so we are looking forward to carrying out more investigations and science-based challenges.

We are looking forward to World Book Day tomorrow and have lots of fun activities lined up.  We will share some of the photos with you after the event!

Reminders and Notes.

  • Next Thursday is our trip to Strangers Hall.  We will be eating our lunch there, so each child will require a packed lunch.  Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to come with us.  We appreciate your support.
  • Spellings for this week - thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
Thank you and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team