Mass, weight, capacity
and volume
Please watch each of the 5
videos for week 1 and complete the linked activities.
this learning with practical measuring activities, such as comparing the weight
of different items, weighing and measuring ingredients to make a cake,
investigating the capacity of different sized containers.
Diary writing
Task 1 - Can you write a diary
entry about the Great Fire of London?
Imagine you
are a child in London during the Great Fire of London.
Write about
your day - how you were woken up by people shouting, you collected your
things and ran from your house in fear.
Tell your
diary what you heard, saw and smelled and how you escaped by boat on the
river Thames.
Focus on
using capital letters, full stops and pre-cursive handwriting.
Task 2 - Can you identify use of
the past tense?
We use the
past tense to talk about things that have already happened.
Use a
different colour to circle any verbs (doing words) that show the past tense,
e.g. ran, escaped, climbed.
3 - Can you illustrate your diary entry?
Draw a
picture of the scene.
Remember that
the buildings were made of wood and had timber beams.
Try to
include lots of detail and make your picture colourful.
The UK
Can you name the 4 countries and
capital cities of the UK?
Can you make
a fact file about the 4 countries?
Include information such as:
The country’s
Their national
The number of
people who live there.
Key physical
features - major rivers, mountains, lakes/lochs
Key human
features - major landmarks
Any other
interesting facts.
Lent and Easter
Can you explain why Easter is
important to Christians?
Can you
decorate your own cross in the Aboriginal style or using scrap materials from
around your house?
Can you draw
your own Easter themed picture to show what you have learnt?
Daily Tasks
that on a daily basis, we also expect children to:
- practice
phase 3/5 phonic sounds using flashcards/games, such as Time Challenge or
Speed Trial on Phonics Play.
- read a
book/use Bug Club to develop reading skills.
addition, if you are a Lexia user, you can continue to use this from
Advice for writing
In Year 1, we encourage the children to use their
sounds and 'have a go'. So, if your child mis-spells words but has
used the sounds they know effectively, we wouldn't correct them, e.g. ‘harf’
(half) or ‘flor’ (floor). We would encourage them to look again at any
mis-spelt tricky words (a Year 1 expectation) using the word card on last week’s
After Easter, we
will update the blog on a weekly basis with tasks for you to complete with your
children. We will set a maths and
English activity for every day, together with a science and two topic-based
activities to be completed during the week.
If you have any
questions about the tasks, please comment on this blog.
Thank you and have
a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team