Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Miss Wright reads a story

Hello again everyone.

I hope you're all keeping well.  I've picked a short story for you called "Mouse's Summer Muddle" .  I thought it linked nicely to our Splendid Skies topic in which we've been learning about the four seasons.

I hope you enjoy it,
Miss Wright

Friday, 26 June 2020

Year 1 Home Learning (week commencing 29th June)

Hello Caterpillars and Ladybirds.

A big well done for those of you who are still learning from home and managing to keep up the motivation - we are very proud of you and all the work you are doing. We hope you enjoy the below activities for this week.


Please click on the links for each day ‘s Maths input and worksheets. We will not be following White Rose this week (except Monday) as they are doing money which we have already covered during lockdown. We will be learning about position and direction.

Monday – Can you order numbers?
Finishing off last week’s work we are doing one White Rose lesson on ordering numbers. Go to
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ and use Week 10, Lesson 1.
here to access the worksheet.

- Can you describe position?     
Begin this unit by watching this introductory video for this unit on position and direction: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z7kwmp3
It is important that you are confident with knowing your left and right. Click here for a good Left and Right poster.
Go through this sheet together click here.
Today we would like you to practise giving directions using ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’ ‘turn left’ and ‘turn right’. Hide a teddy bear somewhere in your house or garden and give directions to your Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister to help them find it.
An example of the language to use: “Move forwards 3 steps, turn left. Move forward 4 steps, turn right. Move forward 6 steps and you have reached your destination!”

Wednesday - Can you describe position?   
Recap yesterday’s learning by standing and turning to the left and right. What are you facing if you turn to the left? What are you facing if you turn to the right?
Click here to access today’s PowerPoint Presentation.
here to access today’s worksheet.

Thursday - Can you describe turns? 
here to access today’s PowerPoint.         
As you go through the PowerPoint you may want to stand up in your room and practise doing quarter, half and three quarter turns yourself. For example: “Begin by facing the window. Turn one quarter to the left. What are you facing now?”
Click here to access today’s worksheet.
If you want to, you could have another go at directing someone to an object but add in the language of ‘quarter turns’ when turning left or right.

Friday - Can you complete the Friday Maths Challenge? 
Go to: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ , select Week 10 (w/c 29th June) and scroll down to Friday’s challenge.
Or, if you have found this week's maths easy you could try these reasoning and problem solving questions as an extension – click here

Consolidate this learning with other activities, such as:
·       Keep practising giving people directions using left, right, quarter, half and three quarter turns. Hide objects around your house and give clues (directions) to find.
·       Describe the position of items in your home, for example “The candle is to the right of the TV”.
·       Log on to Education City and search for the following games: Land Ahoy (whole half and quarter turns), Going Overboard (positional language), Under the Sea (positional language) and Are You Shore? (using positional language).


Monday – Can you spell familiar and unfamiliar words containing the phonic sounds taught this year?
In the story, Lila’s mum says that ‘without water there can be no life’ so Lila is afraid that the village will not survive the drought.  Ask children, “is water an equally precious thing here in England?”, “Why is water so important?”, “Should we be more careful how we use it?” 

Tell children that sometimes, such as during extended periods of hot, dry weather, we may also have water shortages so we should think carefully about how we use it.  We should regard water as a precious resource, just as Lila and her village did. 

Ask children to think about the different ways we use water at home or school, e.g. cleaning our teeth, washing our hands/clothes, watering the garden, flushing the toilet, cooking, drinking.  They could take a walk round the house to help them think of ideas if they are struggling.  Choose 3 of these and complete the first column of the activity sheet, e.g. cleaning teeth in the bathroom.  Then ask children to think of ways we might waste water in each different place, e.g. leaving the tap running, and then what we could how we could save water, i.e. turn the tap off while we are brushing

Encourage children to use their phonic knowledge to sound out the words they require to complete the table.  They may want to use the attached sound card to help them identify the sound they require.

Tuesday – Handwriting
Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

one    two   three    four    five    six    seven

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login details.

If you wish to practise spellings further here is a suggest list of Year 1 words – click here.

Wednesday – Can you use the correct punctuation for each sentence?
Use the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the children to using exclamation marks.  Work through the slides showing examples of how they are used and try to read the sentences using appropriate expression, e.g. surprise, excitement, anger etc.  Complete the linked activity.  There are 2 versions on the attachment, an easier (*) one using just full stops and exclamation marks and a trickier one (***) which also uses questions marks. 
(Answers for both are on the final page)

Thursday - Phonics
Use the Phase 5 sound mat to practise reading all the Phase 5 sounds – click here.
If there are any your child doesn’t know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.

Play the buried treasure game.  Can you read the words and decide if they are real or alien words?

Friday – Can you use exclamation marks in your writing?
Remind children of the work completed earlier in the week looking at how we use and sometimes waste water; together with their suggestions of ways we could save water. 

Look at sample posters on the PowerPoint and discuss the message they are giving, e.g. that water is vital to our planet etc.  Notice the use of exclamation marks on the posters. Ask children to create a poster to display in one of their chosen areas to remind everyone to think about saving water.  Discuss ideas to save water, e.g. turn off the tap.  “What might the image be?”  “What would the caption be?”  Examples: Save water now! Turn off the tap! Don't waste water! Be sensible!
Encourage children to write captions applying phonic knowledge, punctuation and grammar skills.  Support them in proof-reading their work for errors in spelling and punctuation.


You will need:
·        2L plastic drinks bottle
·        sharp scissors (and a grown-up)
·        plasticine/modelling clay or similar
·        ruler
·        some rain!

Make a rain gauge as shown in the video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdeKdT0nwow
Check it on a daily basis, ideally first thing in the morning, and record the daily rainfall amount using the attached recording sheet.
Don't worry if we don't get any rain this week. Once you have made it you can keep your rain gauge outside and use it another week. 


Can you learn about staying safe on the internet?

Go to https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/Support-tools/home-activity-worksheets/5-7s/ and select Home Activity Pack 3.  Re-watch the video and complete the two linked activities.

Art and Design

Can you use drawing/painting to develop and show ideas and experiences?

This week we would like you to create a piece of artwork to show the four seasons. We recommend using a tree and showing what it looks like in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Go through this PowerPoint – click here.

Follow by watching this video about a year in the life of an oak tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdKYWiVy9FY

Click here to see some inspiring examples of finished pieces of artwork.

Daily Tasks
Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/, such as Speed Trial, Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound. Children are very familiar with Phonics Play and will be able to show you how to use it.
Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.
In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Miss Cobb reads a story

Hello everyone!

Here is another story for you to watch – click here.

Hope you like it J
Miss Cobb

Friday, 19 June 2020

Year 1 Home Learning (week commencing 22nd June)

Hello Year 1
Hope you are all okay and are still managing lots of super learning.  We have enjoyed seeing more of you in school this week and now have three Year 1 bubbles.  Those of you who are still working from home, don’t worry, we are doing the same work as you whilst we are in school.  We will also continue to email you all each week and reply to your emails too.  

Remember to keep an eye on the blog for our video stories too.  Miss Cobb did the first one and Miss Wright has posted one for you this week.

Please find below the tasks for this coming week:

This week, we are back to following the White Rose program.  Please go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ to find the links for each lesson’s video.  The worksheets can be found below

Monday - Can you count using numbers to 100?                       Worksheet

Tuesday - Can you partition numbers to 100?                          Worksheet

Wednesday - Can you compare numbers to 100?                     Worksheet

Thursday - Can you compare numbers to 100?                         Worksheet

Friday - Can you complete the Friday Maths Challenge? 
Go to: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/, select Week 9 (w/c 22nd June).

If you have found this week's maths easy you could try these reasoning and problem solving questions as an extension - click here

Consolidate this learning with practical activities, such as:
·        Using Jack Hartman counting videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWHc9MdkhWY and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CEOlAOGas.
·        Playing games such as Silly Streets, Reel Numbers and Turtle Recall on Education City.
·        Playing the shark numbers game - http://www.ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/mobile/index.html
·        Playing the place value basketball game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball
·        Playing the coconut ordering numbers game at https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/coconut-ordering

Monday – Can you read accurately both familiar and unfamiliar words containing the phonic sounds taught this year? Can you check the test makes sense to you as you go?

This week our English work is going to have a Geography focus as it involves comparing life in our village of Mulbarton to villages in Kenya (comparing an area of the UK with a contrasting area of a non-European country in a KS1 Geography objective in the National Curriculum).

Today, we would like you to read some information about 2 different children’s daily life in the Kenya. We would like you to use your phonics to help you segment and blend any unfamiliar words. Grown-ups can help you if there are any words that are not decodable, but try your best. Try and read whole sentences back to yourself once you have decoded the words to help you understand what is written.

You may want to explain to your children that the children in these villages live in poor areas. Some parts of Kenya are more wealthy but shockingly 36% of the population live below the international poverty line.

To read about daily life for Gaudensia – click here
To read about daily life for Haki –
click here

If it is too much for your child to read both stories, then you could read one to them.

Tuesday – Handwriting
Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.  
Remember each day needs a capital letter at the start.

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday   Saturday   Sunday

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login details.

If you wish to practise spellings further here is a suggest list of Year 1 words – click here.

Wednesday – Can you write questions using question marks?

Remind children about the work we did on Monday. You could watch this video about Gaudenisa’s life to reinforce what they read: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xKbhlaqHvk

Today we are going to revise question marks. What are question marks? What are they used for? They are a type of punctuation (just like a full stop) used at the end of a question. Can you remember what it looks like?

Recap the different ways you can start a question:

Can you think of some questions you would like to ask either Gaudensia or Kaki about their life? Or maybe you would like to know more about the country of Kenya itself.

Write a list of 5 questions using capital letters, finger spaces and question marks.
Remember to use pre-cursive handwriting.
For an extra challenge, can you start each question using a different question word?

Thursday - Phonics

Use the Phase 5 sound mat to practise reading all the Phase 5 sounds – click here.
If there are any your child doesn’t know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.
Here are some more ‘I Spy and Read’ activity sheets containing Phase 5 sounds (they are different to last week). Read the words and match them to the picture. There are 3 to choose from.

Set 4          Set 5

If any of you are still working on Phase 3 please practise using this sound mat – click here.
And the below ‘I Spy and Read’:

Set 4         Set 5          Set 6

Friday – Can you write a letter with multiple sentences and a question? Can you use full stops and question marks accurately for each sentence type?

Now you have learnt about life in Kenya, today, we would like you to write a letter to Gaudensia or Haki to tell them about your life in Mulbarton and how it is different or similar to theirs.
You could watch this further video about a different child if you would like a reminder about Kenyan life: 

What does a letter look like? What are the features of a letter>
Use this PowerPoint presentation to go over the main features of a letter –
click here.

Before writing discuss:
Did you find anything surprising about their life?
Do you do anything the same as them?
What is different?

Could you finish your letter by asking them one of your questions from Wednesday?

Can you perform a simple science experiment, observe closely and use simple equipment?

Watch the video to learn about how shadows are made.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuUJCNzfoBw   Experiment with making different shadows using the sun or a torch as a light source.  Can you use a variety of objects, together with your hands and body to make different shadows?

Choose an item to make your shadow.  Stand it on a large piece of paper/a concrete surface.    Plot the course of a shadow regularly over a sunny day.  Draw around the shadows at timed intervals to explore how they move.  Record your results in the attached table.  

NB. When measuring shadows outside, encourage the children to think of fair ways of marking shadow size and shape, such as using the same place and object, unit of measurement and time intervals.

Can you learn about keeping safe in the sun?

As this week is forecast to be very hot, we thought it would be a good time to change our weather focus from wind to sunshine.

We would like you to learn about, and discuss, how to keep safe in the sun and why it is important.

In Australia they have a really good campaign called ‘Slip, Slap, Slop, Seek and Slide’. Watch their video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzA47J7QsVk
You can also view a poster about it by clicking here.

This video is also quite fun as it includes the Despicable Me characters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxAsoBXmCJk

We would like you to make a poster to tell people about the 5 main elements  of how to keep safe in the sun. If you would like to see some examples of sun safety posters for inspiration – click here.

Art and Design

Can you use a range of materials creatively to design and make products?

Choose one of the sunshine crafts we’ve suggested or come up with your own ideas based on resources you have at home. 

In school we will be making the sunshine paper plate, but we appreciate that you may not have the resources to do this at home, so we have included some alternative options you may prefer.  Remember, we’d love to see the photos!

Daily Tasks

Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/, such as Speed Trial, Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound. Children are very familiar with Phonics Play and will be able to show you how to use it.
Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.
In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Miss Wright reads a story

This week it's my turn to read you a story.  I picked the picture book, Jerry's Trousers.  I hope you enjoy it!

Miss Wright

Friday, 12 June 2020

Year 1 home learning (week commencing 15th June)

****Please note you should have received an email today containing your child’s end of year report. If for any reason you have not received it, please let us know****

Hello Year 1

Hope you are all okay and still managing lots of learning. We are expecting some more of you back in school next week and we will look forward to seeing you. Those of you who are still working from home, don’t worry you will still have the same work to do and you will still hear from us each week via email. Also, look out for video stories on the blog page read by Miss Cobb and Miss Wright (the 1st one from Miss Cobb can be found on the previous post).

Please find below the tasks for this coming week:

This week, White Rose are repeating some lessons that we completed earlier in the lockdown.  We are therefore following the alternative lessons again.  Links for each lesson’s video and worksheets can be found below.

Monday - Can you identify one more and one less?
https://vimeo.com/428005842                          Worksheet

Tuesday - Can you compare numbers to 50?  
https://vimeo.com/428005936                          Worksheet

Wednesday - Can you compare numbers to 50?         
https://vimeo.com/428006174                          Worksheet

Thursday - Can you order numbers to 50?    
https://vimeo.com/428006347                          Worksheet


Friday - Can you complete the Friday Maths Challenge? 

Go to: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/, select Week 8 (w/c 15th June).

Consolidate this learning with practical activities, such as:

·       Randomly say numbers and ask your child to tell you one more / one less.

·       Draw a number track on the floor and ask your child to jump along it
·       counting the numbers forwards and backwards as they go.

·       Play the coconut ordering numbers game at https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/coconut-ordering


Monday – Can you use drama, role-play and visualisation to gather ideas?

Explain to the children that this week we are going to be writing our own call and response poem/song. Call and response chants characterise the singing of some Kenyan people. Show the children this video of a school in Kenya singing their song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFWRcXYsYMo

Return to the part of the story where it starts to rain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm5D7Mrxm5o (start at 4 minutes 36 seconds and finish at 5 minutes 36 seconds).  Revisit Lila's feelings at this point.  Ask the children to imagine they are Lila on the top of the mountain.  Ask them to close their eyes and describe the scene to them.  Use language from the text for example: the crying sky; each raindrop felt like mama's kisses. How would they react? Can they show using their body or with facial expressions?

Now play sound effects of rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX6kn9_U8qk to help them to imagine they are Lila feeling the rain on her skin for the first time. Encourage the children to run down the mountain in happiness to the villagers who are celebrating.

After, discuss with the children what the rain looks, sounds and feels like.  You can scribe the ideas for your child (as this is a lesson about gathering ideas) or they could write ideas around a mind map themselves (click here).

Tuesday – Handwriting

These words are taken from the Phase 2 to 5 High Frequency words list. 

Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

help    went    your    came    time    about

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login details.

If you wish to practise spellings further here is a suggested list of Year 1 words – click here.

Wednesday – Can you compose sentences orally before writing?

Explain that today we are going to use our ideas from Monday to write our Call and Response song about the rain. Through modelled and shared writing demonstrate how to write as a call and response (see below example).  Focus on using the children's ideas and language from Monday. Model how to orally rehearse your sentence before writing. 

For example:

A: Thank you for the rain
B: It feels like kisses on our cheeks
A: Thank you for the rain
B: It feels tingly on my skin
A: Thank you for the rain
B: It sounds like drumming 

A: Thank you for the rain

B: It looks cloudy and wet.

Expect the children to orally rehearse their response to the call before writing and support as needed. You could model writing a few verses and then let the children carry on and write their own.

Thursday - Phonics

Use the Phase 5 sound mat to practise reading all the Phase 5 sounds – click here.

If there are any your child doesn’t know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.

Here are some ‘I Spy and Read’ activity sheets containing Phase 5 sounds. Read the words and match them to the picture. There are 3 to choose from. If you are still learning Phase 5 sounds you may want to focus on set one or if you are confident with Phase 5 you can do all 3!

Set 1          Set 2          Set 3

If any of you are still working on Phase 3 please practise using this sound mat – click here.
And the below ‘I Spy and Read’:

Set 1          Set 2          Set 3

Friday – Can you perform your call and response song/poem by speaking clearly and fluently?

Today we are going to perform our call and response songs/poems. Model the pattern with you saying one line and the children saying the next line. They could pair up with a sibling to practise and rehearse.

The children may like to write their song/poem up neatly and illustrate it (if we were at school we would have created a class song book to put in the book corner).

You could use instruments, dance or body percussion to really bring it to life. And, once finished, you may like to ask someone to record and film your finished product.


 Can you learn about different weather types including seasonal and daily weather patterns?

Recap what we have learnt about weather so far.
Explain that sometimes weather can be ‘severe’ or ‘extreme’ – what does this mean? This means very great, a lot of it!



Discuss: What do you think would happen if we had extreme or long periods of:




What should we do or what can be done if these weather types happen? For example, not driving in icy conditions, wearing sun cream, and watering plants in droughts, putting down sandbags to prevent flooding.

Ask children to draw a picture of an extreme weather and write a sentence or two about the consequences of it.


Can you perform a simple science experiment, observe closely and use simple equipment?

This week, if there is a windy day, we would like you to investigate the wind.
Watch this video: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqbTrbxWT1o and discuss how wind changes direction and speed.

First, identify the four compass directions of north, south, east and west. You could use chalk to draw the compass directions on your patio, or put up signs so you know which way is which.

Then, hold a carrier bag (with handles) in the air and try to ‘catch the wind’. Look which direction you are facing when your bag is ‘full’ – this is the direction the wind is blowing.  

Next, you can find out the force of the wind. Let go of your carrier bag and see how far it travels in 10 seconds (depending on wind speed you may need a large area to do this so it may not be possible at home). Walk to get your bag and count how many strides you made.

You could repeat this activity over a few days to see if the direction / speed of the wind changes.

If you would like to you could record your results use this table – click here.

Can you learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements?

Read the story of Sir Francis Beaufort – click here or show this presentation – click here.

This video shows the different levels of his scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riWVO8xN__E

Discuss what Sir Francis did/created. Ask children to explain why they think his work was important and how it helps others. Ask children to write a short account of who Beaufort was, what he created, why it was significant and illustrate.

Daily Tasks

Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/, such as Speed Trial, Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound. Children are very familiar with Phonics Play and will be able to show you how to use it.

Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.

In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team


The Norfolk Music Hub have signed up to take part in a sing-a-long called the ‘Virtual Big Sing 2020’ which is happening on Friday 19th June at 2pm and your child is invited to take part. It will star singers such as Jessie J and Nicola Roberts from Girls Aloud. You can register for your child to take part at: 
https://www.norfolkmusichub.org.uk/site/the-virtual-big-sing-registration-form/ . By following steps 1-4 at the top of the welcome letter you can log-in and select ‘Assignments’ to launch the Virtual Big Sing resources. Your child can learn some or all of the songs.

The performance will take place on YouTube on Friday 19th June at 2pm. On the performance day you will be sent a code with instructions on how to tune into the stream. Tune in at 2pm and join Mark De-Lisser and friends who will be joining you from around the world with your performance. Don’t forget to dress up in your best party clothes and have fun!

Do send pictures into school if you take part.