Hello Caterpillars and Ladybirds.
A big well done for those of you who
are still learning from home and managing to keep up the motivation - we are
very proud of you and all the work you are doing. We hope you enjoy the below activities
for this week.
Please click on the links for each day ‘s Maths input and worksheets. We
will not be following White Rose this week (except Monday) as they are doing
money which we have already covered during lockdown. We will be learning
about position and direction.
Monday – Can you order numbers?
Finishing off last week’s work we are doing one White Rose lesson on ordering numbers. Go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ and use Week 10, Lesson 1. Click here to access the worksheet. Tuesday - Can you describe position?
Begin this unit by watching this introductory video for this unit on
position and direction: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z7kwmp3
It is important that you are confident with knowing your
left and right. Click here
for a good Left and Right poster.
Go through this sheet together click here.
Today we would like you to practise giving directions using ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’ ‘turn left’ and ‘turn right’. Hide a teddy bear somewhere in your house or garden and give directions to your Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister to help them find it. An example of the language to use: “Move forwards 3 steps, turn left. Move forward 4 steps, turn right. Move forward 6 steps and you have reached your destination!”
Wednesday - Can you describe
Recap yesterday’s learning by standing and turning to the left and right. What are you facing if you turn to the left? What are you facing if you turn to the right?
Thursday - Can you describe
Click here to access today’s PowerPoint. As you go through the PowerPoint you may want to stand up in your room and practise doing quarter, half and three quarter turns yourself. For example: “Begin by facing the window. Turn one quarter to the left. What are you facing now?”
If you want to, you could have
another go at directing someone to an object but add in the language of
‘quarter turns’ when turning left or right.
Friday - Can you
complete the Friday Maths Challenge?
Go to: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ , select Week 10 (w/c 29th June) and scroll down to
Friday’s challenge.
Or, if you have found this week's maths easy you could try these reasoning and problem solving questions as an extension – click here
Consolidate this learning with other activities, such as:
Keep practising giving people
directions using left, right, quarter, half and three quarter turns. Hide
objects around your house and give clues (directions) to find.
Describe the position of items
in your home, for example “The candle is to the right of the TV”.
Log on to Education City and
search for the following games: Land Ahoy (whole half and quarter turns),
Going Overboard (positional language), Under the Sea (positional language)
and Are You Shore? (using positional language).
Monday – Can you spell familiar and unfamiliar words containing the phonic
sounds taught this year?
In the story, Lila’s mum says that ‘without water
there can be no life’ so Lila is afraid that the village will not survive
the drought. Ask children, “is water
an equally precious thing here in England?”, “Why is water so important?”, “Should
we be more careful how we use it?”
Tell children that sometimes, such as during extended periods
of hot, dry weather, we may also have water shortages so we should think
carefully about how we use it. We should
regard water as a precious resource, just as Lila and her village did.
Ask children to think about the different ways we use
water at home or school, e.g. cleaning our teeth, washing our hands/clothes,
watering the garden, flushing the toilet, cooking, drinking. They could take a walk round the house to
help them think of ideas if they are struggling. Choose 3 of these and complete the first
column of the activity
sheet, e.g. cleaning teeth in the bathroom. Then ask children to think of ways we might
waste water in each different place, e.g. leaving the tap running, and
then what we could how we could save water, i.e. turn the tap off while we
are brushing.
Encourage children to use their phonic knowledge to
sound out the words they require to complete the table. They may want to use the attached sound
card to help them identify the sound they require.
– Handwriting
Write each word 3
times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.
two three four
five six seven
The school also
subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login
Wednesday – Can you use the correct
punctuation for each sentence?
Use the PowerPoint
presentation to introduce the children to using exclamation marks. Work through the slides showing examples of
how they are used and try to read the sentences using appropriate expression,
e.g. surprise, excitement, anger etc.
Complete the linked activity. There are 2 versions on the attachment, an
easier (*) one using just full stops and exclamation marks and a trickier one
(***) which also uses questions marks.
(Answers for
both are on the final page)
Thursday -
If there are any your child doesn’t
know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.
Play the buried
treasure game. Can you read the
words and decide if they are real or alien words?
Friday –
Can you use exclamation marks in your writing?
Remind children of the work completed earlier in the
week looking at how we use and sometimes waste water; together with their
suggestions of ways we could save water.
Look at sample posters on the PowerPoint
and discuss the message they are giving, e.g. that water is vital to our
planet etc. Notice the use of exclamation marks on the posters. Ask children to create
a poster to display in one of their chosen areas to remind everyone to think
about saving water. Discuss ideas to
save water, e.g. turn off the tap. “What
might the image be?” “What would the
caption be?” Examples: Save water now! Turn off the tap! Don't waste water! Be sensible!
Encourage children to write captions applying phonic knowledge, punctuation and grammar skills. Support them in proof-reading their work for errors in spelling and punctuation. |
You will need:
2L plastic drinks bottle
sharp scissors (and a grown-up)
plasticine/modelling clay or similar
some rain!
Make a
rain gauge as shown in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdeKdT0nwow
Check it
on a daily basis, ideally first thing in the morning, and record the daily
rainfall amount using the attached recording
Don't worry if we don't get any rain this week. Once you have made it you can keep your rain gauge outside and use it another week. |
Can you learn
about staying safe on the internet?
Go to https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/Support-tools/home-activity-worksheets/5-7s/ and select Home Activity Pack 3. Re-watch the video and complete the two linked activities. |
Art and Design
Can you use drawing/painting to develop and show ideas
and experiences?
This week we would like you to create a piece of artwork
to show the four seasons. We recommend using a tree and showing what it looks
like in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Go through this PowerPoint – click here.
Follow by watching this video about a year in the life
of an oak tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdKYWiVy9FY
Click here
to see some inspiring examples of finished pieces of artwork.
Daily Tasks
Phonics -
using Letters and Sounds daily
live phonics lessons. Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am
for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their
sounds and blending. Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you
could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/, such as
Speed Trial, Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound. Children are
very familiar with Phonics Play and will be able to show you how to use it.
Reading - a
book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills. We will allocate
extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us
know when you email us.
In addition,
if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home.
The Year 1