Friday 2 November 2018

Phew, what a busy week it has been in Caterpillars!  

We launched our new Superheroes topic and started the week with Wonderful Writing.  

First, we talked about what makes a superhero and thought about some of their key qualities.  Here are some of our ideas:  
“they have special powers” - Danny
“they save the day” - Amber
“they help people” - Ellis

On Tuesday, we had a super visitor from Norwich Castle.  She was dressed as Matron Edith Cavell and told us all about her life.  We agreed that she was a real-life superhero helping soldiers of all different nationalities during World War 1.  We especially enjoyed hearing the tales of her dog Jack!

In maths, we have been learning how to double numbers up to 20 using Numicon and cubes to help us and have done some fantastic maths.  Next week we will be learning about halving numbers.  

Next week we will be enjoying more fantastic superhero adventures!  See you then!