Thursday 22 November 2018

Weekly News - w/c 19th November

It has been another exciting week in Year 1.

In English this week, we have been looking at comic strips and stories.  We learnt about speech bubbles and had a go at writing our own speech bubble conversations between two superheroes; Icy and Invisiboy.  On Thursday, we used our knowledge of comics and had a go at creating our own!

In maths this week, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties – ask us what the mathematical name for the corner of a 3D shape is!  We had a go at naming shapes and sorting them by colour, name and properties.  We also experimented to find out which shapes roll and which shapes slide.  We found out that the shapes that have curved surfaces could roll and those with flat faces would slide.

In science, we have been exploring our five senses in detail.  We had feely boxes and images and had a go at describing them with amazing adjectives.

As a daily activity this week, we designed and made our own traps to try and capture the Evil Pea.  Luckily, the traps worked and he was captured and put back in the freezer where he belongs! 

We have also started practising for our first Year 1 assembly.  It is based around our topic – Superheroes! Some of us will have brought home the words that we need to practise for this.

Reminder: our assembly is Thursday 6th December at 9am.  Please could the children come to school in their best superhero costume, they will need school uniform to change into after the assembly.

Have a lovely weekend!