Friday 28 February 2020

Weekly News 28.02.20

Welcome back to a new half term.

This week, we have celebrated the fact that our school is 50 years old by learning about life in the 1970s.  We looked at pictures of the old school building and pictures of the children walking across to the new school building in the snow!  We saw pictures of televisions, phones, toys and home in the 1970s, listened to some 1970 music and learnt a 1970 dance called 'The Hustle'.

In Maths this week we have been revising one more and one less than numbers up to 100!  Later in the week we learnt about comparing numbers using the 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equals' symbols. We thought about the symbols as a crocodiles mouth and said he likes to eat the bigger numbers.  We watched this video: 

In English, we read about how Claude stopped a robber from stealing a statue from the art gallery.  We then planned and wrote newspaper reports about the attempted robbery, using catchy headlines, such as:

Claude Saves the Day.
Dog Saves the Golden Statue.

In DT, we made 2D moving pictures using sliders and levers to make a bird fly in the sky and a car drive along the road.

In Computing, we have been learning about algorithms and we got to program the Bee Bots to move around the mats to different destinations.  Some of us were even able to program multiple instructions at once and move around obstacles on the mat.

Reminders and Notes
  • Home Learning books which were handed in are coming home tonight with a new set of tasks stuck in them.  We hope you enjoy doing these with your children.
  • Spellings for next week are:   nine,  ten,  eleven,  twelve
  • Spelling reports from last half term have also come out this week and with it is a reminder of your child's Education City login.  Please make sure that you use this resource.  There are some additional homework activities on the sheet using this that you may like to try with your children.
  • Thank you for all your efforts in putting together 70s inspired outfits.  Everybody looks fantastic!
Thank you and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team