Friday, 3 July 2020

Year 1 Home Home Learning (week commencing 6th July)

Hello again everyone,

We hope you are all keeping well.  Thank you for all your emails and photos, which always put a smile on our faces.  Here are the activities for the penultimate (last but one) week of our summer term.  We look forward to seeing how you got on with these.

This week in English, we are focusing on Year 1 grammar and punctuation objectives and are looking at plurals, suffixes and prefixes.

Monday – Can you form plurals using ‘s’ and ‘es’?
Look at the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the children to the concept of plurals.  Children should understand that singular means ‘one’ and plural is more than one, e.g. one dog, two dogs.  They will learn that many words just add an ‘s’ in the plural, but those ending in ‘x’, ‘s’, ‘z’, ‘ss’, ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ add ‘es’ .  Watch the video to consolidate the learning in the PowerPoint.  Ask children to complete the activity (this also practices some numbers, which they did for last week’s handwriting)

The following game can be used to reinforce the idea of singular and plural:

Tuesday – Handwriting
Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

eight    nine    ten   eleven    twelve    thirteen

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login details.

If you wish to practise spellings further here is a suggest list of Year 1 words – click here.

Wednesday – Can you add the suffixes -ing, -er and -ed to make new words?
Show children the PowerPoint explaining that suffixes are letters that are added to the end of a word to make new words.  We are focusing on the suffixes -ing, -er and -ed, so for example, help becomes helping, helper, helped.  Ask the children to make words ending with these suffixes using the pictures to prompt them.  Complete the suffix activity sheet.

Thursday - Phonics
Use the Phase 5 sound mat to practise reading all the Phase 5 sounds – click here.
If there are any your child doesn’t know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.

Can you complete the home learning challenge sheet to recap a selection of phase 5 sounds?

Friday – Can you add the prefix un- to make a new word with the opposite meaning?
Work through the PowerPoint introducing the children to the prefix un-.  Discuss how this changes the meaning of the word to the opposite, i.e. lucky becomes unlucky.  Complete the activity making new un- words.

This week we are back to following the White Rose home learning lessons with a focus on fractions (finding a half and quarter).

Please go to ‘Summer Term – Week 11’ for the daily videos. Below are the links to the worksheets for each day:

Monday – Can you find a half?     Worksheet

Tuesday – Can you find a half?    Worksheet

Wednesday – Can you find a quarter?    Worksheet

Thursday – Can you find a quarter?     Worksheet

Friday – Can you complete the Friday maths challenge?
Question 1 and 2 are most suitable for KS1 children.

If you have found this week's maths easy you could try these reasoning and problem solving questions as an extensionclick here 

Consolidation activities:
·       Cut different whole pieces of food into halves and quarters (such an apple, cucumber, cake or chocolate bar). Remember that they need to be equal-sized pieces.
·       Share amounts into half (two equal groups) or quarters (four equal groups) such as peas, coins, beads, sweets, etc.
·       Search for the following games on Education City: ‘Half-and-half’, ‘Half-Baked’, ‘Half Your Cake and Eat it’, ‘Shape it Up’, ‘Chop it Up’, ‘Share it Out’.

 Can you identify the similarities in climate, weather, plants and animals between two different locations?

Recap the knowledge children have gained in Year 1 about the world:
·       The Earth is made up of 7 continents.
·       A continent is a large area of land.
·       Each continent has lots of individual countries.
·       The name of the 7 continents – This is a link to the song we used in school
·       The equator and hot and cold areas in the world.

Look at a map of the world and ask children to locate the continents of Africa and Antarctica. 
Explore Antarctica by looking at the PowerPoint click here 
Explore Africa by looking at the PowerPoint – click here

Describe how the two places are similar or different by completing a comparison chart – click here.

Can you use your voices expressively and creatively by singing songs?
Can you play tuned and untuned instruments?

We would like to children to enjoy a music session this week but we appreciate this is difficult to do at home without a range of instruments to use. We have therefore found some body percussion resources that the children at home can enjoy.

Scroll down and click on ‘Primary Resources’
Watch the first video*, especially the first part where you copy different body percussion moves / sounds. Can you copy him and make the same sounds with your body?
*Please note if you open the above web-link on your phone or tablet you may need to switch to 'View Desktop version of site' in your settings to see the videos.

Listen some weather sounds – Go to and click on ‘sound type’ – you will then see a selection of sound-bite clips for different types of weather that you can listen to.

Think about what a sunny, windy, rainy or stormy composition might sound like and have a go at making our own. If you have some instruments at home you could use those, but if not can you challenge yourself to do it with body percussion instead?

Can you play some PE games?

Visit this website and choose 2 or 3 different activities to do:

I have had a look through them and here are some of my favourites:

·       Noughts and Crosses (an active version!)
·       The Blue Egg (children may know it as rob the nest)
·       Avoid the Defenders (dribbling practise)
·       Blast Off or Top Ten (both throwing games)

Daily Tasks

Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games, such as Speed Trial, Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound. Children are very familiar with Phonics Play and will be able to show you how to use it.
Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.  Please note, for books to be removed from the outstanding total, children need to complete all the questions in each book (denoted on selected pages by the bug icon).

In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team