Friday, 10 July 2020

Year 1 home learning (week commencing 13th July)

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the last blog for Year 1.  We hope that you have enjoyed the Enchanted Woodland and Splendid Skies topics that have been delivered via the blog and in school for those children who have returned.  We are looking forward to seeing most of you on Tuesday at our end of year picnic and you will meet your new teachers at this event too.

Normally at this point in the year, we are starting to wind down.  In school on Friday morning we will we watching a film, so we have not set work for this day.  Why don’t you enjoy a film or fun activity at home as well?


This week in maths, we are following the White Rose scheme again and will be learning to tell the time to the hour and half hour, choosing and comparing units of time.  Please go to: for the videos and the worksheets can be found below.

Monday – Can you tell the time to the hour?                                   Worksheet

Tuesday – Can you tell the time to the half hour?                          Worksheet

Wednesday – Can you identify appropriate units of time for different activities?

Thursday - Can you compare units of time?                                     Worksheet

NB. There will be a Friday maths challenge on the White Rose website if you wish to do this on Friday.

If you would like an extra challenge, please try these time extension questions.

Consolidate this learning by:
  • Asking children to use clocks around the house to tell the time to the hour/half hour.
  • Playing games on Education City, such as - Clocking In and Tick Tock.
  • Timing themselves to do different activities, e.g.
·        how many times can you write your name in a minute?
·        how many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds?
·        how quickly can you write the numbers from 1 to 20?

This week we would like you to show off your writing and presentation skills by rounding off the year with a report about your time in Year 1 and a letter for your new teacher(s).

Monday Can you write a report about your time in Year 1 using the grammar and punctuation learnt this year?
Use the Year 1 blog page to go back through some photos of your time in Year 1.
Can you remember all the things we did?
Can you remember the topics (Grendel, Bright Lights Big City, Wild and Splendid Skies)?
Can you remember the books we used in English (Grendel, Claude in the City, Wild and Lila and the Secret of the Rain)?
What can you remember about our history/geography/science/art lessons?
What special events have we done together (Christmas show, Multiskills trip, visit from the Queen, visit from John Cadbury, trip to Strangers Hall)?

Use the following sentence starters to orally rehearse sentence ideas:
When I started Year 1 I felt…
My teacher was…
My classroom was…
I really enjoyed it when….
My favourite subject has been…..because….
In English/Maths/Science I learnt…
The trip/visitor I enjoyed the most was…..because….
Overall Year 1 was……!

Using your ideas and these sentence starters (if you wish) can you write your end of year report about your experience of Year 1. Here is Miss Cobb’s end of year report – click here. Don’t forget to illustrate your report with pictures and email them to your teacher.

Tuesday – Handwriting
Write each word 3 times using your best pre-cursive handwriting.

fourteen    fifteen    sixteen    seventeen
eighteen   nineteen   twenty

The school also subscribes to a handwriting package called Letterjoin (click to access), which you can access at home using these login details.

Wednesday – Can you write a letter to your new teacher?
You met your new teacher(s) yesterday and they would love to find out a little bit more about you. They have asked if you could write them a letter to tell them a little bit about you (age, birthday, family) the things you enjoy doing (at home and at school) including hobbies and interests, and to finish by asking any questions you may have about Year 2.
We recently wrote a letter to the children in Kenya so you will be excellent letter writers by now. This is a chance for you to show your new teacher(s) your excellent writing skills.
Again, feel free to email your letters to Miss Cobb and Miss Wright and they will pass your letters on to the new teachers.

Thursday – Phonics
Use the Phase 5 sound mat to practise reading all the Phase 5 sounds – click here.
If there are any your child doesn’t know you may want to focus on reading words with these sounds in this week.

Complete this Phase 5 sentence and picture matching worksheet – click here

PANTs safeguarding lesson

PANTs is an NSPCC campaign that we do with the children every year in school. It is a way of teaching the children about keeping themselves safe, that their bodies belong to them, private areas are private, no means no, and how to talk about secrets that upset you.

As an adult if you want to find our more by looking at the website before discussing and sharing the fun song with your child

Watch, learn and sing the song

For a bit of fun, design your own pair of private pants using this template – click here.

You may also want to consider who you would speak to if you were upset about something – Can you think of 5 people you trust?


We would like to send you off into Year 2 in style…..

Here is a hot air balloon craft to help you to aim high, fly high and reach your dreams.

In school we will be using oil pastels but you could use felt pens, paint or collage!

You could take a photo of yourself to attach like this one…..

Air guitars at the ready!  Rocksteady music - invite you and your child to a free weekly, Live Stream music lesson.  

This week’s Music Monday Live Stream is exclusive to Rocksteady schools and will take place on Monday 13th from 1.30-2pm.

The Live Streams focus on key elements of the music curriculum, so children understand rhythm, melodies, listening skills, learning about instruments and how they all relate to each other in rock and pop music.  Band Leader and one-man band Paul, will lead children through musical warm-ups to loosen the voice and body and a rhythm game, before teaching children confidence to sing a well-known rock classic or pop hit.  Finally, Paul will perform all the instrument parts of a song – guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and vocals – explaining how the different instruments work and sound together.

Simply visit the Live Stream on their YouTube channel, five minutes before, HERE.  If you miss the Live Stream, the same link will work on catch up, to enjoy any time with the children.

 Daily Tasks

Phonics - using Letters and Sounds daily live phonics lessons.  Sessions take place Monday-Friday at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who may need a little extra help with their sounds and blending.  Alternatively, to practise specific sounds, you could use the Alphablocks videos online or select Phonics Play games, such as Speed Trial, Buried Treasure or Acorn Adventures for that sound. Children are very familiar with Phonics Play and will be able to show you how to use it.
Reading - a book/comic/Bug Club to develop reading skills.  We will allocate extra books on Bug Club when we notice you are getting low, or you can let us know when you email us.  Please note, for books to be removed from the outstanding total, children need to complete all the questions in each book (denoted on selected pages by the bug icon).

In addition, if you are a Lexia user, please continue to use this from home. 

The Year 1 Team